Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 13.djvu/12

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Dr. King to Mrs. Whiteway 422
From W. Richardson, esq. 425
Dr. Dunkin to Mrs. Whiteway 427
To Mr. Pope 428
To the same 430
From Mr. Lyttelton 431
To Mr. Lyttelton 432
To Mr. Faulkner 434
From the rev. Mr. Throp ib.
To Mrs. Whiteway 436
To the same ib.
To the same 437
To the same 438
To the same ib.
From Mrs. Whiteway to Mr. Pope 439
From W. Pulteney, esq. 442
Mr. Pope to Mrs. Whiteway 444
To Mrs. Whiteway 446
To the same ib.
From the earl of Orrery 447
From the earl of Orrery to D. Swift, esq. 449
From the duchess of Hamilton 452
From the duke of Wharton ib.
To the earl of Peterborow 453
By Dr. Swift (to whom uncertain) 455
To the rev. Mr. Towers 456
Translation of the French Letters in this work 458
From lady Bolingbroke 468
Advertisement by Dr. Swift, in his Defence against Joshua, lord Allen 471