Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 2.djvu/288

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hospitality between them. Virgil consented (for the goddess Diffidence came unseen, and cast a mist before his eyes) though his was of gold[1] and cost a hundred beeves, the other's but of rusty iron. However, this glittering armour, became the modern yet worse than his own. Then they agreed to exchange horses; but, when it came to the trial Dryden was afraid, and utterly unable to mount.
******Alter hiatus
******in MS.

Lucan appeared upon a fiery horse of admirable shape, but head-strong, bearing the rider where he list over the field; he made a mighty slaughter among the enemy's horse; which destruction to stop, Blackmore, a famous modern (but one of the mercenaries) strenuously opposed himself, and darted his javelin with a strong hand, which, falling short of its mark, struck deep in the earth. Then Lucan threw a lance; but Æsculapius came unseen, and turned off the point. Brave modern, said Lucan, I perceive some god protects you[2], for never did my arm so deceive me before: but what mortal can contend with a god? therefore, let us fight no longer, but present gifts to each other. Lucan then bestowed the modern a pair of spurs, and Blackmore gave Lucan a bridle..
Pauca de-******

  1. Vid. Homer.
  2. His skill as a physician atoned for his dulness as a poet.
