Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 7.djvu/8

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Imitation of Horace, addressed to Lord Oxford 81
Imitation of Horace, Book ii. Sat. 6 86
The Author upon himself 92
The Faggot 95
Catullus de Lesbia 97
Epigram from the French 98
On a Curate's Complaint of Hard Duty ib.
Cadenus and Vanessa 99
To Love 126
A Rebus, by Vanessa 127
The Dean's Answer 128
Horace, Book ii. Ode 1. paraphrased. To Mr. Steele 129
John Dennis's Invitation to Mr. Steele, in Imitation of Horace, Book i. Ep. 5. 133
To Lord Harley on his Marriage 138
In Sickness 141
The Fable of the Bitches 142
Horace, Book iii. Ode 2. sent to the Earl of Oxford in the Tower 144
Phyllis, or the Progress of Love 145
Ad Amicum eruditum Thomam Sheridan 148
Horace, Book iv. Ode 9. addressed to Abp. King 149
To Mr. Delany 150
A left-handed letter to Dr. Sheridan 154
A Motto for Jason Hazard 155
To Dr. Sheridan 156
Dr. Sheridan to Dr. Swift 157
The Dean's Answer 158
Stella's Birth Day, 1718-19 ib.
Ditto, 1719-20 159
To Stella, on transcribing his Poems 161
To Stella visiting me in my Sickness 166
An Elegy on the Death of Demar the Usurer 170
Epitaph on the same 171
To Mrs. Houghton of Beaumont 172
Verses written on a Window at the Deanery ib.
On another Window 173
Apollo to the Dean ib.
The Run upon the Bankers 177
The Description of an Irish Feast 179
An excellent new Song on a seditious Pamphlet 182
The Progress of Beauty 184
The Progress of Poetry 187
The South Sea Project 189
To A Friend, on being libelled 197
Epigram ib.
