Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 5 (1901).djvu/464

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Catalogue of the Arctiadæ (Arctianæ) and Agaristidæ in the Collection of the British Museum. By Sir George F. Hampson, Bart.Published by the Trustees of the British Museum.

This forms volume iii. of the great monographic Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalænæ, and is something more than its title implies, being not confined altogether to the species contained in the National Collection, but embracing all others known and recorded. The present volume is a bulky one, containing 690 pages, and the descriptions of 1171 species, with synoptical keys to, as well as descriptions of, genera and species. It completes the Arctiadæ, and also fully deals with the small family Agaristidæ of day-flying habits. To produce such volumes annually is no small task, and the author may be congratulated on maintaining his standard of thoroughness throughout.

There can be little doubt that a standard of nomenclature must for long appertain to these volumes. The examination and comparison of genera and species has been so extensive as to command respect, even from those whose descriptions have been treated as of a synonymical character only, the author having shown a healthy spirit of conservatism in classificatory details, and having written with the courage of his convictions.

A fresh departure seems to have been taken in the spelling of some generic and specific names, to which publicity should be given, as the course will probably occasion considerable comment. We find "valkeri" substituted for "walkeri," "vestvoodi" for "westwoodi," and other similar changes. This is a scholastic question which will probably result in divergent opinion, and need not be discussed here.

We certainly feel a spirit of gratitude as we peruse these pages of condensation and analysis; they make the study of a difficult subject a matter of surmountability, and render the classification and recognition of a large concourse of living creatures an easy undertaking for any serious student. Besides the numerous illustrations incorporated in the text, nineteen beautifully coloured plates are given in a separate form.