Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/13

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Littler, Frank M., M.A.O.U.

Notes on the Lesser White-backed Magpie in Tasmania, 428

Lodge, G.E.

Lesser Grey Shrike in Norfolk, 433

Marchant, S.H. Le

Red Grouse in Surrey, 27

Morley, John

Pine-Marten in Ross-shire, 192

Murdoch, G.W.

Erasmus as a naturalist, 281

Newman, T.P., F.R. Met. Soc.

The spring migration of Swallows, 233

Nicoll, Michael J.

Late Redstart and Tree-Pipit, &c., 111; Differences between immature Blue-headed and Yellow Wagtails, 112; Sand-Lizards at St. Leonards-on-Sea, 113; Breeding of Linota rufescens on Wimbledon Common, 313; A British example of the White-spotted Bluethroat, 464; Water Pipit in Sussex, 465

Oldham, Charles

Sooty Tern in Lancashire, 355; Notes on the birds of Anglesea, 401

Palmer, John

Eggs of the Cuckoo in nests of the Hawfinch, 279

Parkin, Thomas

Moor-hen breeding in a Rook's nest, 279

Patterson, Arthur

Waxwings at Great Yarmouth, 25; Notes from Great Yarmouth, 73, 390, 392; The food of the Water-Vole, 111; White-beaked Dolphin at Great Yarmouth, 390

Ralfe, P.

Birds of the Isle of Man, 32

Ramsbotham, R.H.

A little-known action of the Kingfisher, 149

Read, Robert H.

Marsh-Warbler in Somerset, 23; Yellow-billed Cuckoo in Somerset, 26, 73

Renshaw, Graham, M.B.

Notes on a private collection of living mammals during 1900–02, 179; Notes from some Zoological Gardens of Western Europe, 361

Riviere, Bernard B.

King-Eider in Fifeshire, 27; On the feigning of injury by the Lapwing to attract attention from its young, 29; Moorhens feeding young, 436

Roberts, T. Vaughan

Black variety of Water-Vole, 232

Rope, G.T.

Duration of life in Helix pomatia, 151

Salter, Prof. J.H.

Ornithological notes from Mid-Wales, 1; The Tree-Sparrow in Cardiganshire, 25

Saxby, T. Edmondston

Ornithological notes from Shetland, 112, 468

Sclater, W.L., M.A., F.Z.S.

Some account of the Ground Hornbill, or Brom-Vogel, 49

Selous, Edmund

An observational diary of the habits, mostly domestic, of the Great Crested Grebe, and of the Peewit, with some general remarks, 133; Note on the Pairing of Moor-hens, 196; Variations in colouring of Stercorarius crepidatus, 368

Service, Robert

Hugh Alexander Macpherson, M.A., 18; The Black-headed Gull—some modifications of habits, 216

Shepheard-Walwyn, H.W.

"Making the best of difficulties," 439

Smith, Geoffrey

The temperature of insects, 287

Southwell, Thomas, F.Z.S.

Notes on the Seal and Whale Fishery of 1901, 41; The Saw-fish in British waters, 114

Stebbing, Rev. Thomas R., M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S.

Lynceus and the Lynceidæ, 101

Swainson, E.A.

Nesting of the Hawfinch in Breconshire, 465

Swinhoe, Rodway C.J.

Prehistoric Man in Burma, 321

Ticehurst, N.F., M.A., M.B.O.U. and Ticehurst, C.B.

An account of the birds met with during a short stay in East Finmark, 261