Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/12

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Dalgliesh, Gordon

Rare birds in Surrey, 32; The food of the Water-Vole, 66; Birds collected and observed in the Darbhanga District, Tirhoot, Bengal, 201, 384, 449; Mole-Cricket in Surrey, 233

Davenport, H.S.

On the feigning of injury by the Lapwing to attract attention from its young, 70

Dickinson, G.

Hoopoe near Wick, 435

Distant, W.L.

Biological suggestions—Animal sense perceptions, 161; Mole-Cricket, 233; South African Hares, 432; Morphological interpretation, 436; West African leaf-gall, 438

Edwards, L.A. Curtis

Red-throated Pipit in Sussex, 25

Ellemore, F.J.

The birds of the Transvaal—notes made at Waterval Onder, 189

Elliott, J. Steele

A former Warwickshire heronry, 195

Finn, Frank, B.A., F.Z.S.

Pairing manoeuvres of birds, 71; Notes on the White-breasted Kingfisher, 149; Notes on the nesting of the Indian Dabchick, 300

Forrest, H.E.

Materials of Dormouse's nest, 23; Nutcracker in Herefordshire, 25

Fry, Harold

Animal sense perceptions, 392

Fox, W. Storrs

Colouring of Stercorarius crepidatus, 439

Gill, E. Leonard

Early Flycatcher in Northumberland, 193; Condor laying in confinement, 194

Graves, Frank S.

Wood-Warbler in the Isle of Man, 23

Green, E. Ernest

Morphological interpretation, 436

Grubb, D.B.

Breeding of the Ringed Plover in Worcestershire, 316

Gunning, Dr. J.W.B.

Hybrid between Donkey and Burchell's Zebra, 192

Gurney, J.H., F.L.S., F.Z.S.

Tengmalm's Owl in Northamptonshire, 68; Ornithological notes for 1901 from Norfolk and the north of Suffolk, 81, 198; Allen's Gallinule near Yarmouth, 150

Haagner, Alwin C.

Some habits of South African Hares, 432

Haigh, G.H. Caton

Gadwall in Merionethshire, 112; Migration of birds in N.E. Lincolnshire during the autumn of 1901, 121

Hammond, W. Oxenden

Dicranula vinula larvæ making the most of difficulties, 392

Hepburn, Thomas

Notes on birds made during three short visits to the beach at Dungeness, 59; Sea-birds and Plovers noticed in Lancashire and Cumberland, 374

Hillyer, W. Henry

A remarkable West African leafgall, 438

Hollis, Edwin

Collecting small mammals in N.W.T. Canada, 294

Horton, B.J.

The habits of the Grass-Snake in confinement, 356

Horwood, Rev. A.R.

Statistics relating to British birds, 55

Howard, H.E., F.Z.S.

On Mr. Selous' theory of the origin of nests, 145; Cirl-Bunting in Ireland, 353; The birds of Sark, and variation in song, 416

Jennings, Henry

Shoveler in Herts, 27

Jourdain, Rev. Francis C. R., M.A., M.B.O.U.

Breeding of the Bittern in Herts in 1849, 315; Rough notes on Derbyshire ornithology (1900–1902), 455

Kelso, J.E.H.

Unusual nest of the Ringed Plover, 28

Langdale, Rev. H. Marmaduke

Ornithological incidents at Petersfield, 436

Lewis, Stanley

Notes on the nesting of a pair of Green Woodpeckers at Wells, Somerset, 313