Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/19

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Dicrurus ater, 203; cærulescens, 203; ludwigi, 190

Diptera, List of British, 320

Dipus jaculus, 184

Dissemurus paradiseus, 203

Dissura episcopus, 449

Dog, Prairie, in confinement, 367

Dolphin, White-beaked, at Great Yarmouth, 390

Dormouse nest, materials of, 23

Duck, Wild, female in male plumage, 195

Duckbill, the reproduction of, 38

Dungeness, birds of, 59

Dupeter flavicollis, 450

Eagle, Golden, in Co. Donegal, 150

Egg of Moa offered for sale, 319

Egg-collecting in Central Wales, 5

Eggs of Cuckoo in nests of Hawfinch, 279

Eider, King, in Fifeshire, 27

Elanus cæruleus, 214

Emberiza cirlus, 227, 353, 354, 422; citrinella, 60, 126, 422, 467; miliaria, 14, 60, 422; pusilla, 466; schoeniclus, 60, 126

Equus burchelli, 366; zebra, 366

Erasmus as a naturalist, 281

Eremias sp., 393

Erithacus rubecula, 123, 422

Esacus recurvirostris, 386

Estrilda, 244, 257; phœnicotis, 252

Essex Field Club, President's Address, 240

Eudnamys honorata, 211

Eudromias morinellus, 62, 274, 308

Eunetta falcata, 451

Evolution of horns and antlers, 158

Evotomys gapperi, 298

Excalfactoria chinensis, 384; sinensis, 251

Falco æsalon, 128, 231, 272, 425; jugger, 214; peregrinator, 215; peregrinus, 14, 108, 128, 215, 230, 425, 467; subbuteo, 231; tinnunculus, 15, 128, 422

Fame Islands, Roseate Tern on, 53

Felis tigrina, 180

Fiber zibethicus, 296

Fieldfare, nest, fig., 265; variety, 467

'Field Naturalists' Quarterly,' 200

Finmark, East, birds met with in, 261

Flycatcher, early, in Northumberland, 193

Food of Water-Vole, 66, 111

Francolinus pondicerianus, 385; vulgaris, 385

Fratercula arctica, 424

Fringilla, 243; cœlebs, 14, 126, 422; montifringilla, 126, 227, 269

Fringillidæ, 243

Frog, Green, and telegraph wires, 158

Fulica atra, 61, 113, 308, 386

Fuligula cristata, 306; ferina, 306; marila, 113, 306

Gadus æglefinus, 392

Gadwall in Merionethshire, 112

Galerita cristata, 208

Galidictis vittata, 182

Gall, Leaf, West African, 437,—fig., 438

Gallinago cœlestis, 63, 130, 309, 376, 388; gallinula, 130, 309, 388; major, 130, 309; sternura, 388; sp.?, 275

Gallinula chloropus, 27, 61, 279, 386, 436

Gallinule, Allen's, in Norfolk, 98; near Great Yarmouth, 150

Gallus sonnerati, 72; varius, 72

Game-preservation in India and Burma, 39

Garrulus glandarius, 279, 434, 466

Gecinus viridis, 67, 313

Genetta pardina, 181

Geocichla citrina, 206

Geopelia, 245; humeralis, 245

Giraffa camelopardalis, 365

Giraffe, Northern, in confinement, 365

Glareola lactea, 387

Godwit, Black-tailed, in Ireland in mid-winter, 316

Goose, Wild, a lost British (Plate III.), 421

Graculus macii, 204

Grasshoppers in Utah, 399

Grebe, Great Crested, and Peewit observational diary of habits, 133

Grouse, Red, in Surrey, 27, 68

Grus antigone, 386; communis, 386

Gryllotalpa vulgaris, 233

Gull, Black-headed, some modifications of habits, 216; Herring, feeds extensively on sea-weed, 319

Gymnorhina, 254; hyperleuca, 428; tibicen, 428

Gymnorhis flavicollis, 207

Habits of Great Crested Grebe and