Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/20

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Peewit, 133; of Black-headed Gull, 216; nesting, of Blackbird, 200; of South African Hares, 432

Hæmatopus ostralegus, 15, 130, 308, 375, 390, 422, 425

Halcyon orientalis, 189; pileata, 210; smyrnensis, 149, 210

Haliaëtus albicilla, 230, 427; indus, 214; leucoryphus, 214

Hammering of Great Spotted Woodpecker, 94

Hampstead and neighbourhood, fauna and flora, 240

Harelda glacialis, 273

Hares, South African, 432

Harrier, Montagu's, plumage of, 435

Hartebeest, Bubaline, in confinement, 365

Hawfinch nesting in Breconshire, 465

Helix pomatia, duration of life in, 151

Herodias alba, 450; garzetta, 450; intermedia, 450

Heron, cruel treatment of, 120

Heronry at Reedham, fig., 84; a former Warwickshire, 195

Hierococcyx varius, 211

Himantopus candicus, 387

Hippotragus equinus, 364

Hirundo nepalensis, 207; rustica, 13, 60, 125, 207

Holopterna alata, 392

Hoopoe near Wick, 435

Hoplopterus ventralis, 387

Hornbill, Ground, or Brom-Vogel, fig., 49

Hybrids between Donkey and Burchell's Zebra, 192; Pintails, 100

Hydrochelidon hybrida, 388; leucoptera, 389

Hydrophasianus chirurgus, 387

Hydroprogne caspia, 389

Hyphantornis, 257

Hypochera, 244

Hypothymis azurea, 205

Ibis, Glossy, in Ireland, 467; melanocephala, 389

Icterus jamacii, 248, 249

Inocotis papillosus, 449

Insects, temperature of, 287

Ireland—Moor-hen, 27; Golden Eagle, 150; Raven, 194; Grasshopper Warbler, 278; Holboell's Redpoll, 278; Red-throated Pipit, 313; Black-tailed Godwit, 316; Cirl-Bunting, 353; Glossy Ibis, 467; Water-Rail, 467

Isle of Man, Wood Warbler in, 23 birds of, 32

Iyngipicus hardwickii, 209

Iynx torquilla, 209

Jay in London, 279; migration of, 434, 466

Kingfisher near Aberdeen, 27,—curious accident to a, 68,—a littleknown action of, 149; White breasted, notes on, 149

Knot inland in Cheshire, 467

Lacerta agilis, 113; vivipara, 113

Lagonosticta rubricata, 190

Lagopus albus, 274; scoticus, 307

Laniarius cubla, 190; senegalus, 190

Lanius argentatus, 310; canus, 310; collurio, 433; cristatus, 203; major, 271; minor, 433; nigriceps, 203; pomeranus, 227; ridibundus, 310; tephrenotus, 203

Lapwing feigning injury to protect its young, 29, 70

Lark flying at an extraordinary height, 400; Shore, in Lincolnshire, 112

Larus argentatus, 16, 65, 132, 381, 422, 424; brunneicephalus, 388; fuscus, 381, 422, 423; ichthyaëtus, 388; leucopterus, 113, 468; marinus, 16, 109; ridibundus, 64, 216, 379, 391

Lasiurus borealis, 297; cinereus, 297

Leistes superciliosus, 245

Leptoptila wellsi, 246

Leptoptilus dubius, 449; javanicus, 449

Lepus americanus, 296; capensis, 432; crassicaudatus, 433; saxitilis, 433

Lighthouse, a month in, 319

Ligurinus chloris, 60, 422

Limosa belgica, 316, 387; lapponica, 131

Linota cannabina, 14, 60, 126; flavirostris, 126, 227; rufescens, 66, 193, 227,—breeding on Wimbledon Common, 313

Liopicus mahrattensis, 208

Liothrix lutea, 251

Liotriges, 254

'List of British Diptera,' second edition, 320

Lizard, Sand, at St. Leonards-on-Sea, 113

Lleyn, birds of, 8, 108

Locustella nævia, 226, 278