Page:The Zoologist, 4th series, vol 6 (1902).djvu/450

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By Gordon Dalgliesh.

(Continued from p. 215.)

Crocopus phœnicopterus, Lath. (Bengal Green Pigeon).—Very common. Breeds in April, May, and June. These Pigeons are, as a rule, gregarious, and go about in enormous flocks.

Columba intermedia, Strickl. (Indian Blue Rock-Pigeon).—Very common about old buildings and ruins. They breed throughout the year.

C. livia, Gmel. (Blue Rock-Pigeon).—One out of a pair was shot at Dalsingh Serai in June, 1900. It was unfortunately too badly hit to preserve.

C. eversmanni, Bonap. (Eastern Stock-Pigeon).—Occasionally seen during the cold weather.

Turtur ferrago, Eversm. (Indian Turtle-Dove).—An uncommon winter migrant.

T. suratensis, Gmel. (Spotted Dove).—Very common. Breeds throughout the year. It lays two eggs, very seldom three.

T. risorius, Linn. (Collared Turtle-Dove).—Quite as common as the last. Breeds throughout the year. At Hattowrie Factory, Darbhanga, in May, 1901, I saw a Dove which I take to be a hybrid between this species and T. suratensis. The Dove was quite close to me feeding on the ground. The wings and upper plumage were that of T. suratensis, the breast was like that of T. risorius, and it had a distinct black collar. In size it was intermediate between the two forms.

Œnopopelia tranquebarica, Herm. (Red Turtle-Dove).—This beautiful little Dove is the rarest species to be found. I have only twice come across their nest.

Excalfactoria chinensis, Linn. (Blue-breasted Quail).—I once saw a small Quail which I took to be this species at Dalsingh Serai