Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/149

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During that desperate run there was a terrible moment in which Pinocchio believed himself lost, for Aladdin, the dog, ran so very fast that he nearly caught him. The marionette felt behind him the warm breath of the ugly beast as he panted heavily. By good luck the beach was near and he saw the sea not far away.

As soon as he reached the water’s edge the marionette gave a good spring, just like a frog, and fell into the water. Aladdin wished to stop but, carried by the impetus of his speed, he also entered the water. The unfortunate Dog did not know how to swim, so he began to gesticulate with his paws in order to right himself; but the more he gesticulated the more his head went under water. When he finally succeeded in getting his head out of water his eyes were full of tears, and, barking, he said, “I smother! I drown!”