Page:The adventures of Pinocchio (Cramp 1904).djvu/150

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“Die!” replied Pinocchio, who, seeing himself far away, felt that he was out of danger.

“Help me, Pinocchio! Save me from death!”

At that pitiful cry the marionette, who had really a good heart, was moved with compassion and, turning to the Dog, said to him, “But if I save you, will you promise that you will not run after me?”

“Yes, I promise you. Come quickly, for in a few minutes I shall be dead.”

Pinocchio hesitated a little. Then remembering that his papa had told him that a good action is never forgotten, he swam toward Aladdin and, taking him by the tail, pulled him out and landed him safe and sound on the sand.

The poor Dog could not stand on his feet. He had unintentionally swallowed so much salt water that he was swollen like a balloon. Not wishing to trust the Dog too much, the marionette thought it prudent to throw himself again into the sea. Swimming away, he cried: “Good-by, Aladdin! Remember me to all your friends.”

“Good-by, Pinocchio!” barked the Dog. “A thousand thanks for having saved my life. You have done me a great service and I shall never forget you. I hope I shall be able to repay you some day.”