Page:The authentic and genuine history of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand, February 5 and 6, 1840.pdf/43

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enei kupu, ka tangohia, ka wakaaetia katoatia e matou. Koia ka tohungia ai o matou ingoa o matou tohu. Ka meatia tenei ki Waitangi, i te ono o nga ra o Pepuere, i te tau kotahi mano, e waru rau, e wa tekau, o to tatou Ariki.


IN the Name of Her Majesy VICTORIA, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. By William Hobson, a Captain in the Royal Navy, Consul, Lieutenant-Governor in New-Zealand.

Whereas, by a Treaty bearing Date the Fifth day of February, in the Year of Our Lord On Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty, made and executed by me, William Hobson, a Captain in the Royal Navy, Consul, and Lieutenant-Governor in New-Zealand. vested for this purpose with full Powers by Her Britannic Majesty, of the one part, and the Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes of New-Zealand, and the Seperate and Independent Chiefs of New-Zealand, not Members of the Confederation, of the other; and further further ratified and confirmed by the adherence of the Principal Chiefs of this Island of New-Zealand, commonly called “The Northern Island”; all Rights and Powers of Sovereignty over the said Northern Island were ceded to Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, absolutely and without reservation :

Now, therefore, I, William Hobson, Lieutenant-Governor of New-Zealand, in the Name and on the Behalf of Her Majesty, do hereby Proclaim and Declare, to all Men, that from and after the Date of the above-mentioned Treaty, the full Sovereignty of Northern Island of New-Zealand vests in Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Her Heirs and Successors for ever.

Given under my hand at Government-House,Russell, Bay of Islands, this Twenty-first Day of May, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty. (Signed,) WILLIAM HOBSON, Lieutenant-Governor.

By His Excellency's command, (Signed,) Willoughby Shortland, Colonial Secretary.

Paihia: Printed at the Press of the Church Missionary Society.