Page:The authentic and genuine history of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand, February 5 and 6, 1840.pdf/44

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In the Name of Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. By William Hobson, Esquire, a Captain in the Royal Navy, Lieutenant-Governor of New-Zealand.

Whereas I have it in Command from Her Majesty Queen Victoria, through Her principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, to assert, on the grounds of Discovery, the Sovereign Rights of Her Majesty over the Southern Islands of New-Zealand, commonly called “The Middle Island” and “Stewart’s Island”; and the Island commonly called “The Northern Island” having been ceded in sovereignty to Her Majesty:

Now, therefore, I, William Hobson, Lieutenant-Governor of New-Zealand, do hereby Proclaim and Declare to all men that, from and after the Date of these Presents, the full Sovereignty of the Islands of New-Zealand, extending from Thirty-four Degrees Thirty Minutes to Forty-seven Degrees Ten Minutes South Latitude, and between One Hundred and Sixty-six Degrees Five Minutes to One Hundred and Seventy-nine Degrees of East Longitude, vests in Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Her Heirs and Successors for ever.

Given under my hand at Government - House, Russell, Bay of Islands, this Twenty-first Day of May, in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty.



By His Excellency’s command,

(Signed,) Willoughby Shortland,

Colonial Secretary.

God save the Queen.

Paihia : Printed at the Press of the Church Missionary Societ