Page:The birds of America, volume 1.djvu/12

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VI CONTENTS. Genus VII. Ictinia. ------ Mississippi Kite, - Ictinia plumbeus, Genus VIII. Nauclerus. Swallow-tailed Hawk, Swallow-tailed Hawk, Genus IX. Falco. Falcon. Iceland or Jer Falcon, Great-footed Hawk, - - - Pigeon Hawk, -"--.- American Sparrow Hawk, Genus X. Astur. Hawk. Goshawk, - Cooper's Hawk, - Sharp-shinned or Slate-coloured Hawk, Genus XI. Circus. Harrier. Marsh Hawk, - - - - Nauclerus furcatus, Falco Islandicus, - peregrinus, columb arias, sparverius, Jlstur palumbarius, Cooperi, fuscus, Circus cyaneus, 73 73 78 7S 81 SI S4 88 90 94 95 98 100 105 105 FAMILY III. STRIGIN^E. OWLS. Ill Genus I. Surnia. Day-Owl. Ill Hawk Owl, Surnia funerea, 112 Snowy Owl, nyctea, 113 Little Night Owl, passerina, 116 Little Columbian Owl, passerinoides, 117 Burrowing Owl, cunicularia, 119 Genus II. Ulula. Night-Owl. - 121 Tengmalm's Owl, Ulula Tengmalmi, 122 Little or Acadian Owl, acadica, 123 Genus III. Strix. Screech-Owl. - 126 Barn Owl, Strix Americana, 127 Genus IV. Syrnium. Hooting-Owl. ... 130 Great Cinereous Owl, Syrnium cinereum, 130 Barred Owl, nebulosum, 132 Genus V. Otus. Eared-Owl. - - - - - 135