Page:The birds of America, volume 1.djvu/13

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CONTENTS. vii Long-eared Owl, - Ot us vulgaris, - 136 Short-eared Owl, - - - brachyotus, - - 140 Genus VI. Bubo. Horned-Owl. 143 Great Horned Owl, - Bubo Virginianus, - - 143 Little Screech-Owl, - - - Asio, - 147 FAMILY IV. CAPRIMULGIN^. GOAT-SUCKERS. - 150 Genus I. Caprimulgus. Goat-Sucker. - - - 150 Chuck- will's Widow, - - Caprimulgus Car olinensis, - 151 Whip-poor-will, - vociferus, - 155 Genus II. Chordeiles. Night-Hawk. - 158 Night-Hawk, - Chordeiles Virginianus, - 159 FAMILY V. CYPSELIN^S. SWIFTS. - - - - 163 Genus I. Choztura. Spine-tail. - - - - 163 Chimney Swallow, or American Swift, Chaztura pelasgia, - - 164 FAMILY VI. HIRUNDINiE. SWALLOWS. - - - 169 Genus I. Hirundo. Swallow. - - - - - -170 Purple Martin, - Hirundo purpurea, 170 White-bellied Swallow, bicolor, - - 175 Republican or Cliff Swallow, fulva, 177 Barn Swallow, - rustica, - 181 Violet-green Swallow, thalassina, 186 Bank Swallow or Sand Martin, riparia, 187 Rough-winged Swallow, Serripennis, - 193 FAMILY VII. MUSCICAPIN^E. FLYCATCHERS. - 195 Genus I. Milvulus. Swallow-tail. - - - - 195 Forked-tailed Flycatcher, - - Milvulus tyrannus, - - 196 Swallow-tailed Flycatcher, - forficatus, - - 197 Genus II. Muscicapa. Flycatcher. - - - - 19S Arkansaw Flycatcher, - - Muscicapa verticalis, - - 199 Pipiry Flycatcher, - - - dominicensis, - 201