Page:The birds of America, volume 1.djvu/14

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Vlll Tyrant Flycatcher, King Bird Great Crested Flycatcher, - Cooper's Flycatcher — Olive-sided Flycatcher, - Say's Flycatcher, Rocky Mountain Flycatcher, Short-legged Pewit Flycatcher, Small Green-crested Flycatcher Pewee Flycatcher, Wood Pewee Flycatcher, - Traill's Flycatcher, - Least Pewee Flycatcher, - Small-headed Flycatcher, - American Redstart, - Genus III. Ptilogonys. Townsend's Ptilogonys, Genus IV. Culicivora. Blue-grey Flycatcher, CONTENTS. Muscicapa tyr annus, - 204 - crinila, 209 led ) Cooperi, - 212 - Saya, - 217 - nigricans, - 218 i Phoebe, 219 j acadica, 221 - fusca, - 223 - virens, 231 - Trail Hi, 234 - pusilla, 236 - ininuta, 238 - Ruticilla, - 240 - - - 243 Ptilogonys Toivnsendi, 243 Gnat-catcher . - 244 Culicivora
