Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/124

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also to desyre and wysshe the dethe of theyr faders and moders, onely for to haue and rauysshe their goodes after theyr dethe. Also Iudas: for couetyse of syluer he bitrayed oure lord Ihesu Cryst. In suche maner done these dayes the aduocates and men of lawe, whiche sellen theyr talkyng & wordes, tornynge fro the trouthe and pletynge ageynst hit. For they doo the ryght of the good man to be dylayed for to haue and take of hym more syluer, and many one of them is that taketh of bothe partyes, and so they selle theyr speche, whiche god gaaf them to prouffyte with for the comyn wele. Therfor is couetyse moche deceyuable,, which brought the wyf of Sapson to doo grete folye. Here ye haue good ensample to kepe your self fro the vyce of couetyse for soone after god sente to the sayd dalida the deserte of her meryte and dede. She toke to spouse one of the paynyms, and made a grete feste. Sampson that knewe of it, and to whom his heres were growen and his strengthe come ageyne, made hym to be ledde there as they were sette at the dyner. And thenne he toke the pyler in his armes whiche stode in the myddell of the halle, and that susteyned and bare al the place, and shoke it with so grete strengthe and myght that he brake it in to pyeces, and the place fylle vpon them. There was slayne dalida, her newe lord, and the moost parte of them that were at that dyner. And thus Sampson venged hym of dalida his fals wyf, whiche was there punysshed of her euylle dede and folye. And well was reason and ryght that of euyl doynge euyl shold come to her.