Page:The booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his doughters - 1902.pdf/125

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I WOLD ye knewe wel the tale and example of the lady whiche daygned not to come to her dyner for ony commaundement that her lord coude make to her, and so many tyme he sent for her that at the last, whanne he sawe she wold not come at his commaundement, he made to come before hym his swyneherd,he that kepte his swynes, whiche was foule and ouermoche hydous, and bad hym fetche the clowte of the kechyn wherwith men wype dysshes and platers. And thenne he made a table or bord to be dressyd before hys wyf, and made it to be couerd with the sayd cloute, and commaunded to his swyneherd to sytte besyde her. And thenne he sayd thus to her: "Lady, yf ye ne wylle ete with me, ne come at me, ne come at my commaunde ment, ye shalle haue the kepar of my swyne to hold yow company and good felauship, and this cloute to wype your handes with al." And whanne she that thenne was sore ashamed and more wrothe than she was tofore sawe and knewe that her lord mocked her, refreyned her proude herte and knewe her foly. Therfore a woman ought not in no wyse to refuse to come at the commaundement of her lord yf she wylle haue and kepe his loue and pees. And also by good reason humylyte ought to come fyrste to the woman, for euer she ought to shewe her self meke and humble toward her lord.