Page:The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth century (1887) - Volume 1.djvu/601

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ARCHITECTURE OF SCOTLAND 581 INDEX Gloume Castle, 202. See Castle Campbell. Grose, Captain, 407, 467, 470. Guildford Castle, herring-bone work, 12. Gylem Castle, fireplace like Car- doness, 246. HAILES CASTLE, 113; description, 122. Haining Castle, description, 413. Hallbar Castle, staircase, 140. Hallforest Castle, description, 157- Harlech Castle, 42. Hay, Father, 370. Heriot's Hospital, style of, 460,497. Hermitage Castle, exceptional style of, 225, 523 ; description, 523 ; similar to Crookston Castle, 534, 550. Holyrood Palace, courtyard plan, 222, 479; similar to Falkland Palace, 472. Huntingtower. See Ruthven. Huntly Castle, resemblance to Balveny, 390. Hurstmonceaux Castle, 57, 58. INNES, COSMO, list of Early Scottish Strongholds by, 63 ; date of Tester Castle, 11 6. Inverkip Castle, description, 296. Inverlochy Castle, ancient fortress, 63 ; site of, 64 ; description, 73. Inverurie, ancient fortress, 63. JEDBURGH, ancient fortress, 64. KEEPS, enlarged into castles sur- rounding courtyard, 188, 359 ; French, 6, 7 ; Norman, 4, 5, 7, 22, 30, 39, 59, 62, 144; rect- angular, 21 ; Scottish, 30, 34 shell, 21. Kilbirnie, Place of, description, 390. Kilchurn Castle, description, 382. Kildrummie Castle, ancient fortress, 63 ; resembles Southern work, 64, 65 ; completed work of First Period, 92 ; description, 108 ; exceptional building, 418. Kilkerran Castle, description, 298. Kilravock Castle, description, 384. Kincardine Castle, primitive fort- ress, 63. Kinclaven Castle, site of, 64 ; de- scription, 67 ; Lochmaben Castle similar to, 79 ; simple form of plan, 92 ; square on plan, 127 ; resembles Tarbert, 1 36 ; Balveny Castle resembles, 386. Kinnaird Castle, description, 270. Kirkwall, Bishop's Palace, descrip- tion, 519. Castle, exchanged for Ravens- craig Castle, 545. LAMBERTON, primitive fortress, 64. Leuchars, primitive fortress, 63. Leven Castle, ornamental corbels, 225 ; description, 295. Liberton Tower, parapet at, 224 ; spy-hole at, 251 ; description, 226. Lincluden Abbey, built by the third Earl of Douglas (Archibald the Grim), 106. Lincoln, Jew's house at, 23. Linlithgow, primitive fortress, 64. Palace, courtyard plan, 222, 417 ; triple fireplace at, 225 ; stone bench in hall, 404 ; win- dow to cellars, 438 ; hall similar to other Royal palaces, 457 ; oriel window at, 459 ; deep external bay of windows, 470 ; towers resemble those of Stirling, 473 ; fireplaces like those at Stirling Palace, 475 ; description, 478 ; compared with Dunfermline