Page:The church manual (Church of the Brethren 1916).djvu/40

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the nomination calls for the vote. The moderator then takes the chair, after which the secretary is elected, when the meeting is declared ready for business. The first business in order will be to determine wheth- er or not the school shall be opened, and the time of opening.

2. Submit the constitution, which should be previously prepared, and can be changed or amended until it is satisfactory to the meeting, when it can be adopted by motion and vote.

3. The election of officers. These elections are best made by ballot, thus obtaining the expressed choice of the meeting, and those who are most interested in the success of the school. In the selection of officers, character, competency, and interest in the work should be of primary consideration.

4. The appointment of teachers. This should be done by the superintendent, in connection with the other official members of the school, and with great care, as the real success of the school depends largely on the kind of teaching done.

5. Determine on the books and papers needed to conduct the school successfully, and how the money that will be needed to pay for them shall be secured.