Page:The church manual (Church of the Brethren 1916).djvu/41

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How Conducted.— These, meetings should be opened and closed about the same as other religious meetings,—by singing, reading of Scripture, and prayer. These services should be conducted by the superintendent, or any one that he may name. It is best to read the chapter containing the lesson. After the opening, the teachers take charge of their classes, and continue the lesson such length of time as may be decided upon by the school. After the lesson is done, the school again assembles, and a short talk may be given to the children by the superintendent or any one whom he may appoint. This should be a review of the lesson and made so simple that all can understand and be interested in what is said. The school is then closed by singing and prayer.



The prayer-meeting is a social, religious gathering together of God's people for prayer and a mutual edifying and encouraging each other from the Scriptures of Divine Truth. The promise is, "Wheresoever two