Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/238

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So was I called once.

Bishop Nicholas.

Go, go! 'Twas not I counselled Håkon to send you away.


What the King does is well done; 'tis not therefore I come.

Bishop Nicholas.

Wherefore then?


Gunnulf, my brother, is come home from England——

Bishop Nicholas.

From England——!


He has been away these many years, as you know, and has roamed far and wide; now has he brought home a letter——

Bishop Nicholas.

[Breathlessly.] A letter——? Inga. From Trond the Priest. 'Tis for you, my lord. [Hands it to him.

Bishop Nicholas.

Ah, truly;—and <g>you</g> bring it?


It was Trond's wish. I owe him great thanks since the time he fostered Håkon. It was told