Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/240

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And it is dark evening. The King will be lighted on his way with torches?




Then will I hide me in a gateway as he goes by;—and then home to Varteig. But first will I into Hallvard's church; the lights are burning there to-night; there will I call down blessings on the King, on my fair son.

[Goes out to the right.


I have fulfilled mine errand; I go to meet the King.

Bishop Nicholas.

Bear him most loving greeting, good Dagfinn!


[As he goes out to the right.] I would not be Bishop Nicholas to-morrow.

Bishop Nicholas.

Trond the Priest's confession——! So it has come after all—here I hold it in my hand [Muses with a fixed gaze.] A man should never promise aught by his soul's salvation, when he is as old as I. Had I years before me, I could always wriggle free from such a promise; but this evening, this last evening—no, that were imprudent.—But can I keep it? Is it not to endanger all that I have worked for, my whole life through? [Whispering.] Oh, could I but cheat the Evil