Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/241

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One, only this one more time! [Listens.] What was <g>that</g>? [Calls.] Viliam, Viliam! Sira Viliam enters from the right.

Bishop Nicholas.

What is it that whistles and howls so grimly?

Sira Viliam.

'Tis the storm; it grows fiercer.

Bishop Nicholas.

The storm grows fiercer! Ay truly, I will keep my promise! The storm, say you——? Are they singing in there?

Sira Viliam.

Yes, my lord.

Bishop Nicholas.

Bid them bestir themselves, and chiefly brother Aslak; he always makes such scant prayers; he shirks whenever he can; he skips, the hound! [Strikes the floor with his crozier.] Go in and say to him 'tis the last night I have left; he shall bestir himself, else will I haunt him from the dead!

Sira Viliam.

My lord, shall I not fetch Master Sigard?

Bishop Nicholas.

Go in, I say! [Viliam goes into the chapel.] It must doubtless be heaven's will that I should reconcile the King and the Duke, since it sends me Trond's letter now. This is a hard thing, Nicholas; to tear down at a single wrench what