Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/362

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King Skule.

'Tis a king who knocks, I tell you; a king who has no roof over his head; a king whose life is forfeit if he reach not consecrated ground.


Dagfinn, Dagfinn, 'tis my father!


[Goes to the gate and opens a small shutter.] Come you with many men to the convent? King Skule.

With all the men that were true to me in my need.


And how many be they?

King Skule.

Fewer than one.


He is alone, Dagfinn.

Lady Ragnhild.

Heaven's wrath fall upon you if you deny him sanctuary!


In God's name, then!

[He opens the gate; the Birchlegs respectfully
uncover their heads. King Skule
enters the courtyard.


[Throwing herself on his neck.] My father! My dear, unhappy father!