Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/363

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Lady Ragnhild.

[Interposing wildly between him and the Birchlegs.] Ye who feign reverence for him, ye will betray him, like Judas. Dare not to come near him! Ye shall not lay a finger on him while I live!


Here he is safe, for he is on holy ground.


And not one of all your men had the heart to follow you this night!

King Skule.

Both monks and spearmen brought me on the way; but they slipped from me one by one, for they knew there were Birchlegs at Elgesæter. Paul Flida was the last to leave me; he came with me to the convent gate; there he gave me his last hand-grip, in memory of the time when there were Vargbælgs in Norway.


[To the Birchlegs.] Get you in, chieftains, and set you as guards about the King-child; I must to Nidaros to acquaint the King that Skule Bårdsson is at Elgesæter; in so weighty a matter 'tis for him to act.


Oh, Dagfinn, Dagfinn, have you the heart for that?


Else should I ill serve King and land. [To the men.] Lock the gates after me, watch over the child, and open to none until the King be come.