Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/39

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Sigurd enters first, looks around, sees the boat-shed, goes quickly up to it, and tries to burst open the door.


[Appears among the rocks, starts on seeing Sigurd, seems to recognise him, descends and cries:] Give place, Viking! Sigurd. [Turns, lays his hand on his sword, and answers:] 'Twere the first time if I did! Örnulf. Thou shalt and must! I need the shelter for my stiff-frozen men. Sigurd. And I for a weary woman! Örnulf. My men are worth more than thy women! Sigurd. Then must outlaws be highly prized in Helgeland! Örnulf. [Raising his spear.] Thou shalt pay dear for that word! Sigurd. [Drawing his sword.] Now will it go ill with thee, old man! [Örnulf rushes upon him; Sigurd defends himself.

Dagny and some of Sigurd's men come up from the strand; Örnulf's six sons appear on the rocks to the right.