Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/40

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[Who is a little in front, clad in a red kirtle, blue cloak, and fur hood, calls down to the ships:] Up, all Sigurd's men! My husband is fighting with a stranger! Örnulf's Sons. Help! Help for our father! [They descend.


[To his men.] Hold! I can master him alone! Örnulf. [To his sons.] Let me fight in peace! [Rushes in upon Sigurd.] I will see thy blood! Sigurd. First see thine own! [Wounds him in the arm so that his spear falls.


A stout stroke, Viking!
      Swift the sword thou swingest,
      keen thy blows and biting;
      Sigurd's self, the Stalwart,
      stood before thee shame-struck.


[Smiling.] Then were his shame his glory! Örnulf's Sons. [With a cry of wonder.] Sigurd himself! Sigurd the Strong! Örnulf. But sharper was thy stroke that night thou didst bear away Dagny, my daughter. [Casts his hood back.