Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/86

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caesar's apostasy.
[act i.


Behold, my precious friend, how deep is my love for you! I dare all to save the soul of that man who shall one day be the Lord's anointed. If, in my zeal for you, I have had recourse to deceit and lies, I know that a gracious God has found my course well pleasing in his sight, and has stretched forth his hand to sanction it.


How blind have I been! Let me press these perjured fingers——


The Emperor!

[The Emperor Constantius, with his whole retinue, comes from the church. Agathon has already, during the foregoing, withdrawn among the bushes on the right.

The Emperor.

Oh, blessed peace of heaven in my heart.

The Empress.

Do you feel yourself strengthened, my Constantius?

The Emperor.

Yes, yes! I saw the living Dove hovering over me. It took away the burden of all my sin.—Now I dare venture much, Memnon!


[Softly.] Lose not a moment, sire!