Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/15

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  1. Chap.
  2. 1.OF the Common Law, and of ſuch as had and ſtill have Conſervation of the Peace by the Common Law.Page 1
  3. 2.The firſt Ordaining of Rupees of the Peace.4
  4. 3.Of Peace.7
  5. 4.Juſtices of Peace, their Oaths.10
  6. 5.The Form of the Commiſſion of the Peace.12
  7. 6.The Power and Authority of Juſtices of Peace.16
  8. Acceſſaries, fee c. 161
  9. 7.Alehouſes.20
  10. 8.Affray.28
  11. Apprentice, ſee Labourers, c. 8
  12. Arreſt,ſee c. 170
  13. 9.Armour.30
  14. Artificers.31
  15. Badger, fee c. 46
  16. Bakers, fee c. 112
  17. 10.Barrator.31
  18. 11.Baſtardy.32
  19. 12.Bailment.39
  20. 13.Bankrupt.40
  21. 14.Blaſphemy.ibid.
  22. 15.Brewers and Baker41
  23. 16.Bridges.42
  24. 17.Buggery.45
  25. Burglary, ſee c. 40, 151
  26. 18.Burials.ibid.
  27. Bullion.46
  28. 19.Butchers.46
  29. 20.Butter and Cheeſe.47
  30. Buttons and Button-holes.49
  31. Cards and Dice.Ibid.
  32. 21.Carriages, Coaches, Chairs and Carts.50
  33. 22.Cattle.52
  34. Certiorari, ſee c. 195
  35. Challenge to Jurors, ſee c. 186
  36. 23.Churches and Church-yards.ibid.
  37. 24.Cloth, Clothiers and Drapery.54
  38. Coals.59
  39. Coin, ſee High Treaſon, c. 140
  40. 25.Common Prayer.60
  41. 26.Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.ibid.
  42. Conformity.61
  43. 27.Corn.ibid.
  44. Conies, ſee c. 46, 45
  45. 28.Conſtables.Page 63
  46. 29.Conſpiracy.65
  47. 30.Conventicles.66
  48. 31.Cottages and Inmates.68
  49. 32.Counterfeiters.ibid.
  50. 33.Cuſtoms.69
  51. 34.Cuſtos Rotulorum.71
  52. Diſſenters.72
  53. 35.Dyers.ibid.
  54. 36.Egyptians.73
  55. Eſcape and breaking Priſon, ſee c. 158, 159
  56. 37.Eſreats.73
  57. Evidence againſt Felons, ſee c. 164
  58. 38.Exciſe.74
  59. Brandy.78
  60. Brewers.80
  61. 39.Extortion.82
  62. 40.Felony.ibid.
  63. Fairs ſee c. 62
  64. 41.Fees.89
  65. 42.Fish.91
  66. 43.Fire.96
  67. 44.Forcible Entry.ibid.
  68. 45.Foreſtallers, Regrators, and Ingroſſers.100
  69. Foreſt, ſee c. 55.
  70. Forfeiture for Felony, ſee c. 163
  71. Forgery, ſee c. 160.
  72. 46.Games and Plays.103
  73. 47.Guns.110
  74. Gunpowder, ſee the Appendix.
  75. Gaol, ſee c. 78
  76. Hawkers and Pedlars.111
  77. 48.Hawking.112
  78. 49.Hearth-Money and Chimney-Money.ibid.
  79. Hedges, ſee c. 101
  80. Hides, ſee c. 59
  81. 50.Highways.112
  82. Highwaymen.123
  83. 51.Particular Highways.124
  84. 52.Horſes.125
  85. 53.House of Correction.127
  86. 54.Hue and Cry.128
  87. 55.Hunting.129
  88. Husband and Wife, ſee c. 157
  89. Indictments, ſee c. 184