Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/16

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A Table of the Heads of the Chapters.

  1. Chap.
  2. Informer and Informations, ſee c. 191
  3. 56.Innholders.Page 132
  4. 57.Inrolment.133
  5. Journeymen Taylors, ſee c. 58
  6. Judgment, ſee c. 188
  7. Jury ſee c. 186
  8. Juſtice of Peace, ſee c. 173, 189
  9. 58.Labourers.134
  10. 59.Leather.145
  11. 60.London.151
  12. 61.Malt.152
  13. Manufactures, ſee c. 196
  14. 62.Markets and Fairs.153
  15. 63.Marriages.154
  16. 64.Mariners and Seamen.155
  17. 65.Night-walkers.156
  18. 66.Nuſances.157
  19. 67.Oaths.157
  20. Orchard, ſee c. 101
  21. Papiſts, ſee c. 81
  22. Partition of Lands.158
  23. Parliament, ſee the Appendix.
  24. 68.Partridges and Pheaſants.158
  25. 69.Paſture-Land.160
  26. 70.Peace.ibid.
  27. Perjury.161
  28. 71.Petitions.162
  29. Pewter.ibid
  30. 72.Plague.163
  31. 73.Poor.164
  32. Poſſe Comitatus, see c. 171, 172
  33. 74.Poſt-Office.189
  34. 75.Preachers.ibid.
  35. 76.Printers and Printing.190
  36. Probate of Wills, ſee c. 41
  37. Proceſs, ſee c. 193
  38. 77.Prophecies.ibid.
  39. 78.Priſon.191
  40. Pretended privileged Places.192
  41. 79.Purveyors.ibid.
  42. 80.Quakers.193
  43. Rape, ſee c. 160
  44. Rates, ſee c. 96, 196
  45. Recogniſance, ſee c. 168
  46. 81.Recuſants.194
  47. 82.Riots. Routs.211
  48. 83.Rogues and Vagabonds.219
  49. 84.Robbery.220
  50. 85.Sacraments.223
  51. 86.Sabbath Day or Sunday.224
  52. Salt.225
  53. Scavenger.226
  54. Servants, ſee c. 58
  55. 87.Schoolmaſter.226
  56. Seaman, ſee c. 64
  57. Seſſions, ſee c. 181
  58. 88.Sewers226
  59. 89.Sheep.228
  60. 90.Sheriffs.229
  61. 91.Ships.231
  62. Shoemakers, ſee c. 58
  63. 92.Silk-throwing.232
  64. 93.Skinners.ibid.
  65. Smuglers.223
  66. 94.Soldiers.233
  67. 95.Spices.235
  68. Squibs.ibid.
  69. Stamp-duties.ibid.
  70. Starch and Hair Powder, ſee the appendix.
  71. 96.Stock of the Shire.236
  72. Stolen Goods, ſee c. 155
  73. 97.Subſidy.238
  74. Surety of the Peace, ſee c. 116
  75. 98.Swearing.238
  76. Tanner, ſee c. 59.
  77. Taxing, ſee c. 73, 96, 196
  78. Timber, ſee c. 111.
  79. 99.Tobacco.239
  80. Toll, ſee c. 112.
  81. 100.Tranſportation, Importation, Exportation and Tranſportation of Felons240
  82. Trees, ſee c. 101
  83. 101.Treſpaſs.242
  84. Trial, ſee c. 187
  85. 102.Tythes.345
  86. 103.Tyle.246
  87. Vagabonds, ſee c. 83
  88. Waggoners, ſee c. 21.
  89. 104.Watch.ibid.
  90. 105.Watermen.247
  91. 106.Wax.249
  92. 107.Wears.ibid.
  93. 108.Weavers.250
  94. 109.Wine.ibid.
  95. 110.Wild Fowl.251
  96. 111.Wood.ibid.
  97. 112.Weights and Meaſures254
  98. 113.Wool.263
  99. 114.Words, News.264
  100. 115.Some particular Statutes that give Power to one or two Juſtices of Peace cut of the Seſſtions.ibid.
  101. 116.Surety for the Peace.267
  102. 117.For whom, and of whom Surety of the Peace may be granted.269
  103. 118.How this Surety may be demanded, and how the Commandment may be executed.272
  104. 119.Concerning the Recogniſance of the Peace.276
  105. 120.What Things ſhall diſcharge the Recogniſance of the Peace, or the Party of his Appearance at the Seſſions.278
  106. 121.What Acts ſhall be a Forfeiture of the Recogniſance of the Peace.280
  107. 122.Concerning the Writ of Supplicavit.204
  108. 123. Surety for the Good Behaviour.287
  109. 124.For what Cauſe this Surety for the Good Behaviour ſhall be granted.288
  110. 125.Forcible Entry, and Forcible Detainer292
  111. 126.What is a Forcible Entry or Holding within theſe Statutes.293
  112. 127.Lawful Force.299
  113. 128.Where Forcible Detainer of Poſſeſſion is lawful.301
  114. 129. The