Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/517

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Contained in the following



A Compleat Summary of all the Acts of Parliament, (hewing the various Penalties of Oftences by Statute, and the particular Power of One, Two, Three or more Juftices, in their Proceedings and Determinations, under ſeveral diſtinct HEADS.


  • ABjuration, ſee Oaths.
  • Agnus Dei, ſee Papiſts.
  • Alamodes and Luſtrings.
  • Ale and Beer (Retailers of) ſee Exciſe.
  • Alehouſes.
  • Alms-houſes, ſee. Rates in Title Poor.
  • Annuitant and Annuity.
  • Apprentices.
  • Arms.
  • Arms and Horſes of Papiſts, ſee Papiſts and Popiſh Superſtition.
  • Arrack, ſee Brandy in Exciſe.
  • Artificers.
  • Attornies and Solicitors.


  • BAdgers.
  • Bail.
  • Bailiffs, ſee County-Courts.
  • Bakers and Bread.
  • Bankrupts.
  • Banks or other Incloſures, ſee Wood.
  • Bark, ſee Foreſtallers, and Ingroſſers, and Wood.
  • Baſtards.
  • Bedford Level.
  • Beer and Ale.
  • Beer and Ale (Retailers of), ſee Exciſe.
  • Beggar, ſee Vagabonds and Vagrants.
  • Billets, ſee Fuel.
  • Blaſphemous Words.
  • Boats, ſee Keels.
  • Bone-Lace, ſee Hawkers and Pedlars.
  • Books.
  • Boots, ſee Shoemakers and Tanner,
  • Bows, ſee Game.
  • Boys bound to Sea, ſee Apprentices.
  • Brandy and Spirits.
  • Braſs.
  • Brewers, ſee Exciſe.
  • Bricks and Tiles.
  • Bridle-Cutters, ſee Tanner.
  • Bridges.
  • Buggery.
  • Buildings, {ls}}ee Fire.
  • Bullion.
  • Burials.
  • Burglars, ſee Watchman,
  • Burglary, ſee Stolen Goods.
  • Butcher.
  • Butter and Cheeſe.
  • Buttons and Button-holes.


  • CArds and Dice, ſee Titles Stamp-Duty, and Games not lawful.
  • Callicoes.
  • Carriers and Carriages.
  • Cattle.
  • Cheeſe, ſee' Butter and Cheeſe.
  • Certiorari.
  • Church.
  • Church-wardens, ſee Poor.