Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/518

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A Table of the General Heads.

  • Clerk of the Market, ſee Bakers, Bread, and Weights and Meaſures.
  • Clothes.
  • Clothes, Caps, or other Furniture of Soldiers and Deſerters, ſee Officers and Soldiers.
  • Cloth and Clothier.
  • ——— Woollen.
  • ——— Linen.
  • Clothiers and Cloth-workers Servants, ſee Servants.
  • Coaches and Chairs, and Coach-horſes, ſee Hackney-Coaches and Chairs.
  • Coals.
  • Coin and Coining.
  • Collar-makers, ſee Tanners.
  • Colleclors for Priſons, ſee Vagabonds and Vagrants.
  • Commiſſion of the Peace.
  • Conies, and Cony-Dogs, ſee Game.
  • Conformity.
  • Conſpiracies.
  • Conſtables.
  • Conventicles.
  • Convicts.
  • Coopers.
  • Coppices, ſee Wood.
  • Corn.
  • Coroner.
  • Coſts.
  • Cottages.
  • County-Courts.
  • Counterfeit Letters, ſee Falſe Tokens.
  • Currier.
  • Curriers Company, ſee Shoemakers.
  • Curſing, ſee Swearing and Curſing.
  • Cuſtom-houſe Officers.
  • Cyder-makers, ſee Exciſe.


  • DEER.
  • Deer-ſtealers.
  • Deſerters, ſee Soldiers and Mariners.
  • Diſſenters.
  • Differing Teachers, ſee Oath of Allegiance in Papiſts, &c.
  • Diſtillers, ſee Brandy in Exciſe.
  • Dogs, ſee Game.
  • Drunkenneſs.
  • Duty on Houſes, ſee Windows.
  • Dyers.


  • EStreats, ſee Sheriffs.
  • Examination.
  • Exciſe.
  • Brandy.
  • Brewers.
  • Cyder-makers.
  • Diſtillers.
  • Gangers.
  • Makers of Mead, Vinegar, Metheglin and Sweets.
  • Inn-keepers and Victuallers.
  • Low-wines.
  • Malt.
  • Retailers of Beer, Ale, Cyder, Perry, and Metheglin.
  • F.


    • Falſe Tokens
    • Fellers of Oak-Trees
    • Felons,ſee,Tranſportation.
    • Felony.
    • Fences, ſee Orchards and Wood.
    • Fencers, ſee Vagabonds and Vagrants.
    • Fines.
    • Fire.
    • Fireworks, ſee Squibs.
    • Fiſh.
    • Fiſh-ponds, ſee Title Fiſh.
    • Fleſh.
    • Forcible Entry and Detainer.
    • Foreſtallers and Ingroſſers.
    • Fortune-tellers, ſee Vagabonds and Vagrants.
    • Fruit-trees, ſee Orchards.
    • Fuel.
    • Fullers Earth and Fullers Clay, ſee Brandy in Exciſe.


    • GAmes not lawful.
    • Game.
  • Conies.
  • Deer, Hare, Partridge, and Pheaſant.
  • Deer-Hayes, or Buckſtalls.
  • Eggs of Falcon, Coſshawk, Lanner, or Swan.
  • Game-keeper.
  • Greyhounds, Bows, Setting-Dogs, Ferrets, and Snares.
  • Guns.
  • Hawks.
  • Heron.
  • Pigeon.
  • Wild Duck, Teal, Widgeon, and Water Fowl.
    • Gaol.
    • Gaolers, ſee Sheriff.
    • Gilding and Goldſmiths.
    • Guns, ſee Guns in Title Game.
    • Gunpowder.
    • Gypſies, or Egyptians, ſee Vagabonds and Vagrants.


    • HAckney Coaches and Chairs.
    • Hare, ſee Game.
    • Harveſt-Workmen.
    • Hawkers and Pedlars.
    • Hawks, Hawkers, and Hawking, ſee Game.
    • Hay.
    • Hay and Oates.
    • Hay and Straw.
    • Hay-Market.
    • Headboroughs, ſee Jurors.
    • Heath, Furze and Fern.
    • Hedges and Hedge-wood, ſee Highways, Orchards, and Wood.
    • Hemp and Flax.
    • Hides.
    • High Conſtables, ſee Conſtables and Surveyors in Titles Highways, Jurors, and Vagabonds and Vagrants.
    • Highway-men.
    • Highways.
    • Hops.
    • Horſes.
    • Hoſpitals, ſee Rates in Title Poor.
    • Houſe-breakers, ſee Watchman.
    • Houſe of Correction.
    • Hue and Cry, ſee Robbery.


    • JEſuit and Prieſt, ſee Papiſts, &c.
    • Informers.
    • Ingroſſers, ſee Foreſtallers and Ingroſſers.
