Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/519

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A Table of the General Heads.

Inn-keepers, ſee Alehouſe-keepers, and Exciſe.

  • Journeymen Taylors.
  • Jurors.
  • Juſtices of Peace.


  • KEels
  • Knights of the Shire, ſee Wages.


  • LAbourers, ſee Servants and Wages.
  • Lamps, ſee Lights.
  • Land-Carriage of Goods, ſee Waggon and Waggoner.
  • Leather.
  • Lights.
  • Linen Manufactures. ſee Cloth and Clothier, and Wages.
  • London.
  • Lotteries.
  • Low Wines, ſee Diſtillers in Title Exciſe.
  • Lunaticks.


  • MALT.
  • Manufactures.
  • Markets, ſee Fairs.
  • Maſter and Miſſtreſs, ſee Servants and Apprentices.
  • Matts.
  • Meaſures, ſee Weights and Meaſures.
  • Miſdemeanors, ſee Informers.
  • Money.
  • Murder.


  • NETS, ſee Fiſh and Game.
  • News-Papers, ſee Stamp-Duty.
  • Nonconformity.
  • Norwich Stuffs,
  • Nuſances in or upon the Highways, ſee Conſtables and Surveyors in Title Highways.


  • OATH.
  • Oath of Allegiance, ſee Papiſts, &c. and Title Recuſancy.
  • Oats, ſee Hay and Oats.
  • Officers and Corporations, ſee Oath.
  • Officers and Soldiers.
  • Orchards.
  • Overſeers of the Poor, ſee Poor.
  • Overfeers of Cloth, ſee Cloth.


  • PAles, ſee Orchards and Wood.
  • Pamphlets, ſee Stamp-Duty.
  • Panels of Juries.
  • Paper, ſee Stamp-Duty, and Vellum and Parchment.
  • Papiſts and Popiſh Superſtition.
  • Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, and Pictures.
  • Arms and Horſes.
  • Books and Relics.
  • Crucifix.
  • Feme Coverts.
  • Jeſuit and Prieſt.
  • Impugning Supremacy.
  • Licence.
  • Maintaining the Pope's Juriſdiction.
  • Maſs.
  • Oath of Allegiance.
  • Reconciler and reconciled, ſee Oath of Allegiance ſupra.
  • Recuſancy.
  • Reputed Papiſts.
    • Parliament.
    • Partition of Lands.
    • Partridge, ſee Game.
    • Party-Walls, ſee Eire.
    • Paſte-board, ſee Vellum and Parchment.
    • Paving the Streets, and Pavements, ſee Conſtables and Surveyors, in Highways, and Scavengers.
    • Perjury.
    • Perry (Retailers of) ſee Exciſe.
    • Petty Chapmen, ſee Hawkers and Pedlars.
    • Petty Conſtables, ſee Jurors, and Vagabonds and Vagrants.
    • Pewter and Braſs.
    • Pheaſants, ſee Game, and Officers and Soldiers.
    • Phyſicians.
    • Pigeons, ſee Game.
    • Pilchards.
    • Plague.
    • Players of Interludes.
    • Poor.
  • Badge.
  • Boys bound to Sea, ſee Apprentices.
  • Coſts.
  • Father, &c. to maintain Poor Children.
  • Overſeers.
  • Rates.
  • Refuſing to work.
  • Regiſtring Notice.
  • Relief and Settlement.
  • Setting them to Work.
  • Settlement and Removal.
    • Popiſh Books and Reliefs, and Pictures, ſee Papiſts, &c.
    • Poſt and Poſt-maſter.
    • Pop, ſee Wood,
    • Preachers.
    • Pretended privileged Places.
    • Priſon, ſee Gaol.
    • Priſoners, ſee Rates or Tax, in Title Poor.
    • Priſon-Collectors, ſee Vagabonds and Vagrants.
    • Proceſs.
    • Proclamation againſt Rioters, ſee Riots and Rioters.
    • Prophecies.
    • Purveyors.


    • QUakers.
    • Quarantine.
    • Quartering Soldiers, ſee Officers and Soldiers.
    • Quarter-Seſſions of the Peace, ſee Juſtices.
    • Quickſets, ſee Wood.


    • RAkers, ſee Scavenger.
    • Recognizances, ſee Juſtices of the Peace,
    • Recuſancy.
    • Rents.
    • Riots and Rioters.
    • Robberies.
    • Robbing Orchards, ſee Orchards.
    • Rockets, ſee Squibs.
    • Rogues, ſee Vagabonds and Vagrants.
    • Rum, ſee brandy, in Exciſe.
    • Runaways.
    • Runners of foreign Goods, ſee Smuglers, &c.

    S. Sacra-