Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/520

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A Table of the General Heads.


  • SAcrament.
  • Sadlers Company, ſee Shoemakers.
  • Salt.
  • Scavenger.
  • Seamen, ſee Boys bound to Sea, in Apprentices.
  • Searchers and Sealers of Leather, ſee Leather.
  • Servants.
  • Seſſions of the Peace, ſee Juſtices of the Peace.
  • Setting-Dogs, ſee Game.
  • Sewers.
  • Sheep, ſee Cattle.
  • Sheep-Skins, ſee Tanner.
  • Sheermen, ſee Cloth and Clothier.
  • Sheriff.
  • Ships.
  • Shoes, ſee Tanners.
  • Shoemakers.
  • Silk.
  • Silk-throwers.
  • Smuglers or Runners of foreign Goods.
  • Snares, ſee Game and Fiſh.
  • Soldiers and Mariners.
  • South-Sea Company, ſee Felony.
  • Spirits.
  • Squibs.
  • Stamp-Duty.
  • Starch and Hair-powder.
  • Stewards of Franchiſes, ſee Sheriff.
  • Stolen Goods.
  • Strong-Waters, ſee Brandy in Title Exciſe.
  • Strong-Waters (Retailers of) ſee Exciſe.
  • Sub-Commiſſoners of the Exciſe, ſee Weights and Meaſures.
  • Subornation of Perjury.
  • Sunday.
  • Surveyors of Highways, ſee Highways.
  • Swans Eggs, ſee Game.
  • Swearing and Curſing.
  • Sweets, ſee Exciſe.
  • Swine, ſee Cattle.



  • Tavern, ſee Alehouſes.
  • Tawers, ſee Tanners.
  • Taylors, ſee Journeymen Taylors, Buttons and Button-holes, and Cloth and Clothier.
  • Timber Trees, ſee Wood.
  • Tiplers, ſee Alehouſes.
  • Tobacco.
  • Tobacco-pipe Clay, ſee Brandy in Title Exciſe.
  • Toll, ſee Hay-market.
  • Toll-Takers, ſee Fairs.
  • Tranſportation.
  • Travelling on the Lord's Day by Water, ſee Sunday.
  • Treaſurer of the County.
  • Trees, ſee Wood.
  • Treſpaſſes, ſee Informers.
  • Trophy-Money.
  • Turnpikes.
  • Tythes.


VAgabonds and Vagrants.

  • Vellum and Parchment, ſee Stamp-Duty.
  • Victuallers, ſee Alehouſes, and Brewers, Inn-keepers, and Victuallers, in Title Exciſe.
  • Vinegar-makers, ſee Exciſe.
  • Vintners, ſee Alehouſes.
  • Under-Sheriffs.
  • Under-woods, ſee Orchards and Wood.
  • Unlawful Gaines or Plays, ſee Vagabonds and Vagrants.


  • WAges.
  • Wages of Knights of the Shire.
  • Wages of Burgeſſes.
  • Walnut-tree Leaves, ſee Tobacco.
  • Warren, ſee Game.
  • Watch.
  • Water-courſes, ſee Highways,
  • Water-Fowl, ſee Game.
  • Water-Meaſure, ſee Weights and Meaſurers.
  • Watermen.
  • Ways, ſee Highways.
  • Weavers, ſee Cloth and Clothier.
  • Weavers of Norwich Stuffs, ſee Norwich Stuffs.
  • Weights and Meaſures.
  • White Herrings, ſee Salt.
  • Widening or enlarging Highways, ſee Seſſions, in Title Highways.
  • Wild-Fowl, ſee Game.
  • Windows.
  • Wood.
  • Wool, ſee Brandy in Title Exciſe.
  • Woollen Manufactures, ſee Cloth and Clothier, and Wages.
  • Words ſpoken againſt the Queen's Title.
  • Work, ſee Poor, and Vagabonds.
  • Workmen, ſee Harveſt Workmen.
  • Wrecks.
  • Wrought Plate.


  • YArn, ſee Brandy, in Title Exciſe, and Wool.

N. B. Wherever the Words One, Two, Three, appear in the black Letter, it ſignifies that the Buſineſs is to be performed by One Jufſtice, Two Juſtices, &c.