Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/521

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Alamodes and Luſtrings.


To grant a Warrant to ſearch for and ſeiſe, prohibited Alamodes and Luſtrings, upon Oath of one or more credible perſon or Perſons, that they have Reaſon to ſuſpect, or belive, that there are ſome of the ſaid Silks fraudulently imported.

Stat. 9 & 10 'W. 3. c. 43. §5.

[One]ALhouſe-keepers, Inn-keepers, Vintners, or Victuallers, ſuffering any of the ſame Pariſh to ſit tippling in their Houſes.
Stat. 1 Jac. 1. c. 9. §.2.
21 Jac. 1. c. 7. §. 2.
1 Car. 1. c. 4. §. 1.

One Witneſs, View or Confeſſion; and after Confeſſion his Oath may convict others.

Ten Shillings to be levied by Diſtrefs and Sale after Six Days, and for Want of Diſtrefs, to be committed until Payment.

Diſabled for Three Years to keep any Alehouſe.

If the Conſtables or Church-wardens do not levy the Penalty, or ſhall not certify the Want of Diſtrefs within Twenty Days, he forfeits 40s. to be levied, ut ſupra, for the Poor.

Alehouſe-keepers, Inn-keepers or Victuallers, ſelling leſs than one Quart for a Penny.

Stat. 1 Jac. 1. c. 9. §. 3.
21 Jac. 1. c. 7. §. 1.

Conviction ut ſupra.

Twenty Shillings, to be levied ut ſupra, and ſo employed.

And diſabled ut ſupra.

Conſtable, &c. puniſhed ut ſupra.

Suſpended during the Continuance of the additional Exciſe.

Stat, 1 W. & M. c. 24. §. 8.

Alehouſe-keepers, Inn-keeper, Vintner or Victualler, ſuffering any Perfon whatever to ſit tippling in his Houſe.

Stat. 1 Jac. 1. c. 9. §. 2.
21 Jac. 1. c. 7. §. 2.
1 Car. 1. c. 4. §. 1.

View, or Two Witneſſes.

Ten Shillings to be levied, employed and diſabled, ut ſupra.
Pariſhioners, or others, who ſit tippling in any Alehouſe, Inn, Tavern, or Victualling-houſe.

Stat. 4 Jac. 1. c. 5. §. 5.
21 Jac. 1. c. 7. §. 2.

View, or One Witneſs.

Three Shillings and four Pence, to be levied and employed ut ſupra, to be paid in a Week; if not able, to ſit in the Stocks four Hours.

Alehouſe-keepers, &c. diſabled Three Years.

Conſtables, &c. neglect, 10s. to be levied ut ſupra, and ſo employed.

Alehouſe-keeper, convicted of Drunkenneſs.
Stat. 21 Jac. 1. c. 7. §. 4.
Conviction ut ſupra.
Proſecution to be in Six Months.
Diſabled to keep an Alehouſe for Three Years. Beſides the Forfeiture of 5s. & and Penalties inflicted on others.
Keeping an Alehouſe without Licence.
Stat. 3 Car. 1. c. 3. §.2.
View, Confeſſion, or Two Witneſſes.
The Offender puniſh'd by this Act, not to be puniſhed by 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 25.

N. B. Sub-Commiſſloners, or Collectors of Exciſſe, are to provide a ſubſtantial Ale-Quart and Pint Wincheſter Meaſure, in their Diviſions, on Pain of 5l.

Mayors of Towns, &c. refuſing to ſtamp Ale-Quarts and Pints, are liable to the Penalty of 5l. by the Stat. 11 & 12 W. 3. c. 15.

Twenty Shillings to the Poor, to be levied ut ſupra, and for Want of Diſtreſs, to be whipp'd, for the firſt Offence.

For the Second, to be committed to the Houſe of Correction for a Month.

For the Third, not to be inlarged there, but by Order of Seſſions.

The Officer neglecting his Duty, to be impriſoned without Bail, or pay 40s. for the Poor.
Persons Not