Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/522

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Perſons ſelling Ale and Beer in any Veſſel not ſigned and mark'd with W. R. and a Crown, according to the Standard in the Exchequer, or City of London, and not full Meaſure. Stat, 11 & 12 W. 3. c. 15. §. 1.

And Perſons ſelling Brandy or other diſtill'd Liquors, without Licence.

Stat. 12 & 13 W. 3. c. 15. §. 1.

One Witneſs.

Not above Forty Shillings, nor under Ten, to be levied by Diſtreſs and Sale.

One Moiety to the Poor, the other to the Proſecutor.

[Two] To licenſe Alehouſes, and take Recognizances, with two Sureties, for good Order in the ſame; for which take 1 2 d. and no more.

Stat. 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 25. §. 1.

Quorum 1.

To certify ſuch Recognizances the next Quarter-Seſſions.

But no new Licences are now to be granted, but at a General Meeting of the Juſtices by Stat. 2 Geo. 2. c. 28. §. 10.

All Mayors, Town-Clerks, and other Perſons whom it may concern, ſhall make, or cauſe to made out Ale-Licences duly ſtamp'd before new Recognizances are taken.
Stat. 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. §. 54.
Ten Pounds for every Offence.
colspan=2 To remove, diſcharge, and put away any Alehouſe, as they ſhall think fit and convenient.
Stat. 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 25. §. 1. Quorum. 1.
Perſons keeping Alehouſes, or felling Beer and Ale without Licence.
Stat. 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 25. §. 4.
Quorum 1.
This extends not to Fairs.
To be committed for Three Days without Bail, and to enter into a Recognizance, with Two Sureties, before they be diſcharged, not to offend again.

This to be certified to the Quarter-Seſſions, which is ſufficient Conviction to fine him 20 s.

[Du. Seſs.] Perſons ſelling Ale or Beer to an unlicenſed Alehoufe-keeper, ſave only for the Expencc of his Houſhold. Stat. 4 Jac. 1 . c . 4. §. 1 . Six Shillings and eight Pence a Barrel.
One Moiety to the Proſecutor, the other to the Poor.
The Officer who levies the Poor's Moiety, and does not deliver it to the Church-wardens and Overſeers, and they not diſtributing it among the Poor. Stat. 4 Jac. 1. c. 4. §. 5. Double the Value of the Moiety.

See Title Exciſe.

No Inn-keeper or Victualler in London or Weſtmiſter, and the Weekly Bills of Mortality, ſhall ſell any Beer or Ale by Retail, to be conſumed out of their Houſes, in any Pot, Cup, or other drinking Veſſel belonging to ſuch Retailer, which ſhall contain leſs than one Gallon in Ale-Meaſure, on Forfeiture of 40 s.

But Beer or Ale may be drank at the Door, or in any Out-houſe, Shed, Arbour, Garden, or Yard belonging to ſuch Houſe.

If any Inn-keeper or Victualler ſhall not take out a Permiſſion, or not pay his Compoſition, he ſhall forfeit 20 l. 12 Geo. 1. c. 12. §. 7, 8, 9.

All Fines are to be levied according to the Laws of Exciſe. Ibid. §. 11.

Annuitant, &c.
[One] TO take an Oath, that the Nominee of the Annuitant was alive on the Day the Payment became due. Stat. 2 Ann. c. 3. §.23.

To take an Affidavit of the due Execution of an Aflignment, or a Will made of an Annuity, purſuant to Statute 4 Ann. c. 6. §. 28. 5 Ann. c. 19. §. 22. 6 Ann. c. 5. §. 15.

[One]P Erſons fit to make Apprentices, refuſing to ſerve upon Demand. Stat. 5 Eliz. c. 4. To be committed till they ſhall be willing to ſerve.
To reconcile Differences between Mailers and Apprentices: And if he cannot, Stat. 5 Eliz. c. 4. § 35. To bind over the Maſter to the Quarter-Seſvions.
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