Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/523

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An Apprentice departing from his Matter's Service into another Country. Stat. 5 Eliz. c. 4. §. 47.

To direct a Capias to the Sheriff, or Chief Officer, for his Apprehenaion; and being taken, to commit him till he gives good Security, that he will honestly serve out his Time.

To convey poor Parish-Boys bound Apprentices, or turned over to Seamen, to the Port to which their Master belongs, as Vagrants are to be sent by 11 & 12 W. 3. c 18. Stat. 2 Ann. c. 6. §. 10.

{{float left|[Two] To consent to the Binding Boys Apprentices till Twenty-four, or Girls till Twenty-one, or Marriage. Stat. 43 Eliz. c. 2. §. 5. Quorum 1.

Persons trusted with Monies to put out Apprentices, to account in Easter-Week yearly, before the Two next Justices. Stat. 7 Jac. 1. c. 3. §. 6.

Persons refusng to take an Apprentice put out by the Consent of Two Justices, according to 43 Eliz. Stat. 8 & 9 W. 3. c. 30. §. 5.

Ten Pounds to be levied by Distress and Sale to the Use of the Poor.

An Appeal lies to the Quarter-Sessions.

To consent to Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor, binding and putting out to Sea-Service any Boy of ten Years of Age, who is chargeable, or whose Parents are chargeable to the Parish, or who shall beg for Alms, till he comes to Twenty-one, his Age to be mentioned in the Indenture, and Fifty Shillings to be given with him. Stat. 2 Ann. c. 6. §. 1.

Collectors of the Customs not entering the Indentures of Parish-Boys, bound to Sea, in a Book kept for that Purpose. Stat. 2 Ann. c. 6. §. 6.

Five Pounds to the Use of the Poor of the Parish whence the Boy was bound, to be levied by Distress and Sale.

To consent to the Turning over Parish-Boys, bound Apprentices, according to 43 Eliz. to Maaters and Owners of Ships, by Indenture of Alignment. Stat. 2 Ann. c. 6. §. 6.

Every Master or Owner of a Ship of the Burden of Thirty to Fifty Tun, not taking one such poor Boy Apprentice, one more for the next Fifty Tun, one more for every 100 Tun above the first 100. Stat. 2 Ann. c. 6. §. 8.

Ten Pounds, for the Use of the Poor of the Parish whence such Boy was bound Apprentice, to be levied by Difstress and Sale.

To inquire into, examine, hear and determine all Complaints of hard or ill Usage, from Matters to Parish-Boys bound Apprentice to Sea. Stat. 2 Ann. c. 6. §. 12.

Collectors of Customs not keeping an exact Register, containing the Number and Burden of all Ships and Vessels, and Matters and Owners Names, and the Names of Apprentices in each Ship, and from what Parishes and Places lent, and not transmitting true Copies thereof to the Quarter-Sessions, as often as they shall be required. Stat, 2 Ann. c. 6. §. 13.

Five Pounds, to be levied and disposed ut supra.

[Three] To certify, That Parents have 40 s. per Ann. and 3 l. per Ann. Freehold, to qualify their Children to be Apprentices to Merchants. Stat. 5 Eliz. c. 4. §. 27.

{{Four] To didcharge Apprentices under their Hands and Seals; and if the Master be in Fault, or the Apprentice be in Fault, to inflict such Punishment as they, in their Discretions, shall think fit. Stat. 5 Eliz. c. 4. § 35. Quorum 1.

Note: The Practice now is, for one Justice to bind over the Master, at the Complaint of the Apprentice, to the next Sessions, and then Four Justices to discharge, under their Hands and Seals; and upon Complaint of the Master against the Apprentice, to send the Apprentice to the House of Correction, if he will not agree to appear at the Sessions; and at the Sessions such Order is to be made, under the Hands and Seals of Four Justices, as is just.

[Du Seff.] Persons taking Apprentices, otherwise than is limited by 5 Eliz. c. 4. except in London and Norwich. Stat. 5 Eliz. c. 4. §. 40.

Ten Pounds, and the Indentures void.


[One]ONE going or riding armed offensively, before the King's Justices, or other his Officers or Ministers, or elsewhere, by Night or Day. Stat. 2 Ed. 3. c. 3. §. 3. 7 R. 2. c. 13. §. 1. 20 R. 2. c. 1. §. 4. View or Complaint.

To be apprehended and bound to the Peace or Good Behaviour, and for Want of Sureties, to be committed, and his Arms to be taken away.
