Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/524

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[Su Sess.] May bind over to Asises, or Sessions, Artificers, about to go beyond Sea, and those who endeavour to withdraw them thither.

One Witness or Confession. Stat. 5 Geo. 1. c. 27. §. 4.

For Want of Sureties to be committed to Gaol.
[Du. Sess.] Persons contracting with, enticing, endeavouring to perswade, or solicit any Manufacturer or Artificer in Wool, Iron, Steel, Brass, or any other Metals Clock-maker, Watch-maker, or any other Artificer of Great Britain, to go out of his Majesty's Dominions. On Conviction. Stat. 5 Geo. 1. c. 27.

§. 1.

To be fined not exceeding 100 Pounds for the first Offence, Three Months Imprisonment, and until such Fine be paid.

For the second Offence to be fined at the Discretion of the Court, Twelve Months Imprisonment, and until such Fine be paid.

Prosecution in Twelve Months.

Artificer convicted of any Promise or Contract, or Preparation to go abroad beyond the Seas. Stat. 5 Geo. 1. c. 27. §. 4. To find Sureties not to depart out of his Majedty's Dominions, as the Court shall think fit. And for Want of Sureties to be committed Quousque.
Attornies and Solicitors.
[Du Sess.]NOTE; the Forfeitures and Penalties of the Statute 2 Geo. 2. c. 23. (i. e. 50l. on any who shall sue or defend in any Cause as an Attorney or Solicitor, not being admitted and inrolled according to the Act) may be sued for and recovered, not only in Westminster-Hall, &c. but also at the Assises and General Quarter-Sessions where the Offence was, by any who sues within twelve Months, with treble Costs of Suit; and no Essoin, Protection or Wager of Law, and but one Imparlance; and not to be removed before Judgment, or stayed by Certiorari, &c. Stat. 2 Geo. 2. c. 23. §. 23, 24.

And by 12 Geo. 2. c. 13. acting as an Attorney or Solicitor in any County Court, not being legally admitted according to 2 Geo. 2. c. 23. forfeits 20l. to be recovered within twelve Months in any Court of Record.

[Two] PUrveyor, Badger, &c.bargaining for any Victual or Grain, in the Markets of Oxford or Cambridge, or in Five Miles of them. Stat. 2. & 3. P. & M. c. 15. §. 2. 13 Eliz. c. 21. §. 2. Quadruple the Value thereof, and Three Months Imprisonment without Bail.

Except when the Queen is there, or within Seven Miles.

[Three] To license a married Man, Housholder, and of Thirty Years of Age at least, to be a Badger, Lader, Kidder, Carrier, Buyer or Transporter of Corn, Grain, Butter and Cheese. Stat. 5 Eliz. c. 12. §. 1. Quorum 1.
[Du. Sess.] Badger, Lader, Kidder, Carrier, Buyer or Transporter of Corn, or Grain, Butter and Cheese without Licence granted in open Sessions of the County, where he hath dwelt Three Years, under the Hands and Seals of (at least) Three Justices. Quorum 1. Stat. 5 Eliz. c. 12. §. 7.

Inquisition, or Verdict, or upon Oath of Two Witnesses.

Five Pounds between the Queen and the Prosecutor.

The Queen's Moiety to be estreated according to the usual Manner, and the Prosecutor's levied, by Fieri facias, or Capias, but when the Suit is wholly the Queen's, the Whole to be estreated,

Du. Sess.] Badger, &c. buying of Grain out of open Fair or Market (to sell again) unless there be special Words in; his Licence to warrant the same. Stat. 5 Eliz. c. 12. §. 7.

The Conviction ut supra.

Five Pounds, to be divided ut supra.
At their Discretions, to take Recognizances of Badgers, &c. that they shall not forestall, or ingross, or put in Practice any Act contrary to 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 14. Stat. 5 Eliz. c. 12. §. 6. Vide Purveyors.
[Two] TO Bail for Manslaughter, or Felony, or Suspicion thereof (being bailable by Law) and being A both present at the Time of such Bailment: But they must first take the Examination of the Accused, and the Informations of the Accusers, and Witnesses. London and Middlesex Justices may bail, as before the Statute. Stat. 1 & 2 P. & M. c. 13. §. 6. Quorum. 1.
