Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/525

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Criminals for offences Under Felony, one Justice may bail; and the Sureties and Sum are left to the Discretion of the Justice, where no certain Sum is appointed by Law; but if the Crime be Felony, they must take, sufficient Persons for the Appearance of the Offender, and bind then in a large Sum.

Bailifs. Vide Tit. County Courts.
Bakers and Bread.
[One] BAkers, and others, making, baking, or exposing to Sale, Bread, not observing the Assise, or under Weight, or not duly marked, or breaking such Regulations and Orders as are made by the Justices from Time to Time. Stat. 8 Ann. c. 18. §. 3.

Confession or one Witness.

Prosecution within Three Days. §. 5.

40 s. to be levied by Distress and Sale, to be given to the Informer.

The Convictions to be certified to the next Quarter-Sessions. §. 4.

There lies an Appeal to the next Quarter-Seflions. §. 6.

Vide The Table of the Assise of Bread, annex'd to the statute at large.

Bakers, or Sellers of Bread, putting into any Bread, sold or exposed to Sale, any Mixture of any other Grain, than what shall be appointed by the Assise Stat. 8 Ann. c. 18. §. 7. 20 s. to be had and recovered ut supra.

Mayor Alderman, Justice, on any Information made to him of any Offence against this Act, wilfully omitting the Performance of his Duty, forfeits 20 s. to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information.

In the Day-time, to enter into any House, Shop, Stall, Bake-house, Ware-house or Out House of any Baker or seller of Bread, to search for, view, weigh and try all or any the Bread there found; and if the Bread be wanting in the Goodness of the Stuff, or deficient in due Baking or Working, or wanting in weight, or not truly marked, or any other sort than what is allowed, the same Bread to be seised, and given to the Poor. Stat. 8 Ann. c. 18. §. 8.
Any Baker, or others, not permitting or suffering a Search; or opposing, hindring, or resisting the same Stat. 8 Ann. c. 18. §. 8. Forty Shillings, to be recovered and given ut supra.
The Penalty of 40s. by 8 Ann. c. 18. on Bakers, for Want of Weight of Bread, is reduced to 5s. per Ounce, for every Ounce wanting in Weight, and 2 s. 6d. if under. The Bread to be weighed before a Magistrate or Justice in 24 Hours after baked or exposed to Sale in London and Westminster, and Bills of Mortality, and in three Days every where else. Stat. 1 Geo. 1. c. 26. §. 5. Forfeiture to the Informer, to be adjudged, levied and recovered as the 40 s., Penalty is by 8 Ann. c. 18.
Note; By this Statute no Mark seems now necessary ; and Bakers may make and sell Peck, Half-Peck, Quarten, Half-Quarten Loaves, if in propotion to the Assise Table in Weight and Price. Stat 1. Geo. 1. c. 26. §. 6.

And the Clerk of the Market is to certify upon Oath to the chief Magistrate or Justices, the Price of Grain, Meal and Flour, every Time the Assise is altered. Stat. 1 Geo. 1. c. 26. §. 7.

Note; The Act 8 Ann. c. 18. was continued by an Act 12 Geo. 2. c. 13. to 24 June 1748. and to the End of the next Sessions, and shall extend to Scotland.

[Two] In Towns and Places where there is no Mayor, Bailiffs, Aldermen or Chief Magistrates, from Time to Time, to set, ascertain, and appoint the Assife and Weight of all Sorts of Bread, having Respect to the Price Grain, Meal or Flour, bears in the publick Markets, and to make a reasonable Allowance to the Bakers, for Charges, Pains and Livelihoods: The Assise according to Avoirdupois, and not Troy-Weight. Stat. 8 Ann. c. 18. §. 1
May license and allow the Bakers to bake and sell such Sorts of Bread as they shall think fit. Stat. 8 Ann. c. 18. §. 1.

To direct and appoint how, and in what Manner, each Sort of Bread shall be marked, for knowing the Baker, or Maker, Price, Weight, and Sort thereof; and to make, and set down any other reasonable Rules and Orders, for the better regulating the Mystery of baking Bread, and the Sorts, Assife, Price and Weight thereof, and all Things concerning the same, as in their Judgments they shall find necessary and convenient. Stat. 8 Ann. c. 18. §. 3

[Du. Sess.] Upon an Appeal by Bakers, or others, convicted for Making, Baking, or Exposing to Sale Bread, contrary to Statute 8 Ann. c. 18. the Sessions to hear, and finally determine the same; and if the Appellant be not relieved, to pay reasonable Costs, and be committed to the common Gaol, till he pay thePenalty