Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/611

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A TABLE of the Principal Matters contained in this Book.

  1. A.
  2. Abjuration, the Oath to be adminiſtred to RecuſantsPage 197
  3. Acceſſary, who367
  4. There is none in Treaſonibid.
  5. In Felony before and after the Factibid.
  6. In Petty Treaſon there are Principals and Acceſſaries368
  7. In Felony, there are Acceſſaries before and after the Factibid.
  8. Who ſhall be a Principalibid.
  9. Acceſſary, none before the Fact in Manſlaughter370
  10. All are Principals in Forgery, made Felony by the Statuteibid.
  11. Who are Acceſſaries after the Fact, who notibid.
  12. By buying ſtolen Goods, and at an Undervalue371
  13. By receiving his own Goods being ſtolenibid.
  14. Acceſſary of an Acceſſary372
  15. Where a Man is convicted of Felony, the Proſecutor may proceed againſt the Acceſſaryibid.
  16. Acre of Land, is 40 Pole in Length, and 4 in Breadth, or 160 Pole262
  17. Actions Popular. See Informations.
  18. Ad quod damnum, a Highway incloſed by the Writ, an Appeal lies to the next Seſſions120
  19. Affray, what28
  20. What may be done by a private Man in ſuch Caſeibid.
  21. What by Conſtable and Juſtice of Peaceibid. 161
  22. What, if 'tis made in his Preſence267
  23. Agnus Dei320
  24. Alehouſe-keeper, ſuffering Tippling20
  25. Muſt be licenſed by the Seſſions28
  26. Two Juſtices may put down any Alehouſe23
  27. Selling Ale without Licenſe, how to be puniſhed23, 27
  28. The Wife keeping an Alehouſe without Conſent of her Huſband, how to be puniſhed24
  29. Selling Ale after he is put down, how to be puniſhedibid.
  30. Brewers delivering Beer or Ale to any unlicenſed Alehouſe-keeperibid.
  31. What Perſons, and in what Places, Alehouſe-keepers and Alehouſes are to be25
  32. Bailiffs not to keep Alehouſesibid.
  33. Nor Tradeſmen, and othersibid.
  34. Ale and Beer muſt be ſold in Pots fſtlamp'd or mark'd26
  35. Ale or Beer ſold within the Bills of Mortality, the Seller muſt pay no leſs than 20 s. nor more than ſix Pounds for one Year27
  36. Ale-Quart and Ale-Pint muſt be provided by the Collectors of Exciſe Page262
  37. Alehouſe-keepers, the Recognizance, Condition and Licenſe to keep an Alehouſe436, 438
  38. Mittimus of an Alehouſe-keeper ſelling Ale after prohibited441
  39. Alms; a Regiſter ſhall be kept in every Pariſh, of thoſe who receive Alms178
  40. Amicus Curia381
  41. Anabaptiſt Preachers190
  42. Annuity Orders, counterfeiting them Felony359
  43. Appeals. See Orders.
  44. Shall be determined at the Quarter-Seſſions of the County from whence the poor Perſon is removed182
  45. Notice of the Appeal muſt be given to a Pariſh Officeribid. 188
  46. Appeal ought to be to the next Seſſions183
  47. Appellant, where Seſſions may award his Charges188
  48. Apprentice, who may be bound135
  49. What he isibid.
  50. Who may take an Apprenticeibid.
  51. Miſufed by the Maſter, the Seſſions may diſcharge himibid. & 142, 143
  52. If the Fault be in the Apprentice, he may be ſent to the Houſe of Correctionibid.
  53. Apprentice purloining his Maſter's Goods above the Value of 12 d. ſhall be ſent to Gaol ; if under that Value, to the Houſe of Correction135, 136
  54. Apprentice being an Infant139, 142
  55. Apprentices to Tradesibid.
  56. Apprenticing poor Boys to Huſbandry137
  57. This muſt be done by the Pariſh Officers, and the Maſter refuſing forfeits 10l.143
  58. Inticing him to leave his Service ; inticing him to purloin his Maſter's Goods, Indictments for thoſe Factsibid.
  59. What he gains is for the Uſe of his Maſteribid.
  60. Overſeers may put out poor Children to be Apprentices164
  61. Apprentices, putting them forth, Considerations, to be had166
  62. Apprentice being diſorderly, may be ſent to the Houſe of Correction143
  63. Apprentice, where to be ſettled174
  64. Charity given to put out Apprentices177
  65. Apprentice bound and dwelling in a Pariſh, makes a Settlement without Notice180
  66. Apprentice aſſigned, ſhall be ſettled in the laſt Pariſhibid.
  67. Apprenticeſhip Indentures, the Form447
  68. Approver, what362
  69. Armour,