Page:The country justice. containing the practice, duty and power of the justices of the peace, as well in as out of their sessions.djvu/612

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A Table of the Principal Matters.

  1. Armour, wearing it offenſivelyPage 30
  2. Armour, imbeziling it. See Ordinance.
  3. Arrack; Entry muſt be made where 'tis kept78
  4. Arraignment, in what Manner to be made459
  5. Arreſt, what it is406
  6. What Perſons, and for what Cauſeibid.
  7. Shall not be carried to a Victualling-Houſe without his Content411
  8. Artificers, going beyond Sea31
  9. Aſſurers of Ships, the Corporation Seal being counterfeited, or any Policy altered, Felony without Clergy359
  10. Attainder, how it differs from Conviction376
  11. B.
  12. BAdge, muſt be worn by the Poor183
  13. Bail, who are bailable, who not, and by whom39, 83, 377
  14. Bail, perſonating, Felony359
  15. Bailment defined384
  16. The Juſtices are Judges of the Sufficiency of the Suretiesibid.
  17. Bail taken where the Perſon is not bailable by Lawibid. 385
  18. Perſons not bailable by Law386, 388
  19. Bail taken by particular Statutes for Offences392
  20. Suſpected of Felony not to be bailed413
  21. The Form of Bail for Felony and Suſpicion, &c.444
  22. Bailiff, his Fees for Arreſt82
  23. Bailiff of the Hundred, the Juſtices may examine his Defaults229
  24. Bailiff ſhall not take more for Lodging or Expences than the next Juſtice or Seſſions ſhall appoint411
  25. Baker, making Bread not full Weight, how to be puniſhed41
  26. Baker and Bread258
  27. Bank Bills, counterfeiting any ſealed Bill, or Note, or altering or razing it, Felony353
  28. Bankrupt40
  29. Shall not be diſcharged, or receive any Benefit by the Statute 5 Geo. 2. cap. 30. who hath loſt in one Day 5l. or 100l. in a Year, before he became a Bankrupt105
  30. Bark of Oak, how to be preſerved253
  31. Barrator, who he is31
  32. In Courts and in Countryibid.
  33. How to be puniſhed32
  34. A Feme Covert cannot be a common Barratoribid.
  35. Of the Indictmentibid.
  36. Sueing in the Name of anotheribid.
  37. Baſtard, where the Mother muſt prove it was born alive367
  38. Baſtardy, where the two next Juſtices cannot agree about the Order, what is to be done20, 33
  39. What it is32
  40. Putative Father may be bound to the Good Behaviour before the Child is born33
  41. If he be ſent away by the Practice of another, that Perſon ſhall be bound to his Good Behaviour33, 420
  42. Two Juſtices muſt make the Older33
  43. Appeal to the next Seſſions, and that is finalibid.
  44. The Mother may be examined on Oath34
  45. She may be ſent to the Houſe of Correction after ſhe is deliveredibid.
  46. But not to be whipped beforeibid.
  47. Not performing the Order upon Notice thereofibid.
  48. The Child is not to be ſent to the Houſe of Correction with the Motheribid.
  49. Leaving a Child to the Pariſh, what is to be done34, 35
  50. The Order of two Juſtices421
  51. Rules concerning the Order35, 421
  52. Orders goodibid.
  53. Orders quaſhed35
  54. Mittimus of the reputed Father442
  55. Appeals from Orders, Cafes adjudged therein36
  56. Whether the Seſſions can make an Original Orderibid.
  57. And commit for not obeying it37
  58. Who ſhall be a Baſtardibid. 38
  59. Battery. See Beating.
  60. Beating, where juſtifiable281
  61. In Defence of his Perſon282
  62. In Defence of othersibid.
  63. In Defence of his Goods or Poſſeſſion283, 300, 301
  64. In Execution of Juſtice283
  65. Beer, the Meaſure thereof259
  66. Beggars. See Vagabonds.
  67. Begging, not allowed by Law.168
  68. Benefices, how many in England195
  69. Blackmail, what it is, and how puniſhable362
  70. Blacks, appearing with black Faces, and Hunting, &c. Felony359
  71. Blaſphemy40
  72. Boots, may be tranſported149
  73. Bows, keeping them to deſtroy Game, not being qualified107
  74. Brandy, muſt not be ſold, nor diſtilled Liquors, by Retail, without Licenſe26
  75. Is declared to be Strong Water74
  76. Entry muſt be made where 'tis kept78
  77. Brandy exportedibid.
  78. Breach, of the Peace, what is, and what is not a Breach of the Peace281
  79. Bread. See Baker, the Aſſiſe thereof258
  80. Breaking open an Houſe, when lawful29, 46, 98, 403, 404
  81. By the King's Officers, to apprehend a Felon374
  82. Brewers, Forfeiture for making falſe Entry80
  83. There lies an Appealibid.
  84. Juſtices may mitigate the Forfeituresibid.
  85. Brewers, Offences relating to themibid.
  86. Bridges, who ſhall repair them42
  87. Who ſhall be charged43
  88. By Preſcriptionibid.