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Chap. VI. Korea 334
Progress of Discovery, Foreign Relations, p. 337. Physical Features, Orographic System, p. 339. The Korean Archipelagos, p. 340. Mineral Wealth, Flora and Fauna, Climate, p. 341. Inhabitants, Language, p. 344. Social Condition, Religion, p. 346. Habits and Customs, Trade, Industries, p. 348. Government, Administration, p. 351. Topography, p. 353.
Chap. VII. Japan 355
Form, Extent, Name, p. 356. Progress of Discovery, p. 358. The Kurile Archipelago, p. 360. Yeso, p. 362. Hondo, p. 364. The Nikko Highlands, a Buddhist Legend, p. 367. Asama-yama and Fuzi-san, p. 369. The Highlands of South Hondo, p. 371. Lake Biva, p. 373. The Inland Sea, p. 375. The Island of Sikok, p. 376. The Island of Kiu-siu, p. 378. The Riu-kiu (Lu-chu) and Goto Archipelagos, p. 381. Hydrographic System, Chief Rivers, p. 386. Climate, p. 387. Vegetation, p. 389. Fauna, p. 393. Inhabitants, the Ainos, p. 396. The Aborigines of Japan, p. 400. The Japanese Race, p. 401. Language and Letters, p. 408. The Art of Printing, p. 410. Religion: Sintoism, p. 411. Buddhism, p. 415. Christianity, p. 416. Topography of the Kuriles and Yeso, p. 418. Topography of Nip-pon, p. 421. Topography of Sikok, Kiu-siu, and Riu-kiu, p. 441. The Bonin Archipelago, p. 444. Vital Statistics, Agriculture, p. 446. Rice and Tea Culture, p. 447. Natural Resources of Yeso, p. 450. Land Tenure, Mining Industry, p. 450. Manufactures, Japanese Art, Porcelain, p. 453. Lacquer-ware. Paper, p. 455. Decline of Art, Traffic in "Curios," p. 459. Foreign Trade, p. 462. Shipping, p. 466. Roads, Railways, Telegraphs, p. 467. Literature and Public Instruction, p. 469. Historic Retrospect, the Revolution, p. 470. Administration, p. 473. Finance, Army and Navy, p. 475.
Appendix: Statistical Tables 477
Index 485