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Chap. I. General Survey 1
East and West contrasted, p. 2. Isolation of China, p. 3. Intercourse with India and Europe, p. 4. Foreign Influence: Russian Encroachments, p. 8. Rivalry of the Eastern and Western Races, p. 9. Future Prospects, p. 12.
Chap. II. Tibet 13
Nomenclature, p. 13. Physical Outlines, p. 14. Extent, Exploration, Divisions, p. 15. The Kuen-lun Range, p. 17. Khachi: Lacustrine System, p. 19. Eastern Highlands and Rivers, p. 22. South Tibet, Trans-Himalayas, p. 23. Mount Kailas, Upper Satlaj, and Indus, p. 24. Lake Pang-kong, p. 29. The Tsangbo River, p. 30. Headwaters of the Great Indo-Chinese Rivers, p. 36. Climate, p. 38. Fauna and Flora, p. 40. Inhabitants: the Tibetans, p. 41. Buddhism, p. 44. Diet, Social Customs, Population, p. 48. Topography, p. 50. Trade and Trade Routes, p. 54. Administration, Postal Service, p. 56.
Chap. III. Chinese Turkestan: The Tarim Basin 58
Progress of Discovery, p. 58. Extent, Population, Water System, p. 60. The Yarkand and Kashgar Rivers, p 61. The Tarim and Lob-nor, p. 62. The Takla-makan Desert, p. 64. Flora and Fauna, p. 66. Inhabitants: the Kashgarians, p. 67. Routes and Passes, p. 69. Topography: Administrative Divisions, p. 70.
Chap. IV. Mongolia 74
I. The Kuku-nor p. 74. Relief of the Land, p. 74. Lake Kuku, p. 77. The Chaidam Basin, p. 78. Inhabitants: the Tangutans, p. 79. II. Mongolian Kansu, p. 80. Climate, p. 81. Routes, Extent, Population, p. 82. Inhabitants, Topography, p. 83. III. Zungaria and Kulja, or Ili, p. 88. Historical Routes, p. 88. Lake Zairam, p. 90. Inhabitants: the Zungarians, Dungans, and Taranchi, p 90. Topography, p. 91. IV. North Mongolia and the Gobi, p. 93. The Ektag Altaï and Tannu Ola Ranges, p. 95. Lakes Ubsa and Koso, p. 95. The Gobi Desert, p. 96. The Khingan and In-shan Highlands, p. 99. The Ordos Plateau and Ala-shan Uplands, p. 100. The Great Wall, p. 102. Inhabitants: the Mongolians, p. 103. Topography, p. 111. V. Chinese Manchuria, p. 115. Physical Features, p. 116. The Sungari and Liao-he Rivers, p. 117. Flora and Fauna, p. 119. Inhabitants: the Manchus, p. 120. Topography, p. 123.
Chap. V. China 128
General Survey, p. 128. Progress of Discovery, p. 129. Physical Features, Climate, p. 132. Flora and Fauna, p. 134. Inhabitants: the Chinese Race, p. 136. The Chinese Language, p. 137. Religion, p. 140. The Feng-shui, p. 143. Buddhism, p. 145. The Jews and Mohammedans, p. 147. The Christians, p. 151. Habits and Customs, p. 153. Secret Societies, the Taipings, p. 159. Basin of the Peï-ho, Province of Pechili, p. 162. Topography: Peking, p. 164. The Shantung Peninsula, p. 174. Topography, p. 175. The Hoang-ho Basin, Kansu, Shensi, Shansi, and Honan, p. 179. The Grand Canal and Lower Hoang-ho, p. 185. The Tsing-ling and other Ranges, p. 187. The Yellow Lands, p. 189. Topography, p. 192. Basin of the Yang-tze-kiang, Sechuen, Kweichew, Hupeh, Hunan, Nganhwei, Kiangsu, Kiangsi, Chekiang, p. 196. The Upper Yang-tze and Min, p. 199. The Middle Yang-tze and Han-kiang, p. 201. Lake Poyang and the Lower Yang-tze, p. 202. Sechuen Highlands, p. 205. Inhabitants of Sechuen, the Si-fan, p. 209. The Mantze, Lolo, and Chinese of Sechuen, p. 210. Province of Kweichew, the Miaotze, p. 214. Hunan, Kiangsi, and Chekiang, p. 217. Inhabitants of the Lower Yang-tze Basin, p. 219. Topography, p. 220. Eastern Slopes of the Nan-shan, 240. Inhabitants of Fokien, p. 241. Topography, p. 242. Basin of the Si-kiang, Kwangsi, and Kwangtung, p. 247. The Si-kiang River System, p. 248. The Canton Delta, p. 249. Climate of South China, p. 250. Inhabitants, p. 251. Topography, p. 253. Hong Kong, p. 257. Macao, p. 259. Yunnan, p. 263. Inhabitants, p. 267. The Panthay Insurrection, p. 268. Topography, p. 269. Hainan, p. 273. Formosa, p. 275. Inhabitants, p. 280. Topography, p. 281. Material and Social Condition of China, p. 284. The Chinese Towns, p. 285. Agriculture, p. 287. The Tea Trade, p. 291. Land Tenure, the Commune, p. 292. Industries, p. 295. Minerals, Metal Work, Bronzes, p. 298. Printing, the Labour Market, p. 299. Inland and Foreign Trade, p. 300. The Opium Question, p. 301. The Treaty Ports and Foreign Exchanges, Staples of Trade, p. 303. Highways, Railway Prospects, Telegraphs, p. 305. Foreigners in China, Chinese Emigration, p. 308. The New Ideas, Social Progress, Public Instruction, The Literati, p. 312. Pending Changes in the Social System, p. 314. Administration, Filial Devotion to the Head of the Family and of the State, p. 315. Imperial Authority, the Emperor's Household, p. 317. Education, Public Examinations, p. 320. The Mandarins, p. 322. Penal Code, p. 326. Army and Navy, p. 328. Revenue, Currency, p. 331. Administrative Divisions, p. 333.