Page:The earth and its inhabitants .. (IA earthitsinhabita07recl).pdf/12

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fig. page
1. Itinerary of H'wen-Tsang 6
2. Encroachments of Asiatic Russia on China 8
3. Itineraries of the Tibetan Explorers 16
4. Upper Kara-kash Valley 19
5. Lake Dangra-yum and Targot Mountains 20
6. Tengri-nor 21
7. Mount Kailas and the Four Sacred Rivers 25
8. The Mansaraûr Basin 26
9. Lake Pang-kong: Encampment of the English Expedition of 1871 23
10. Lake Pang-kong 29
11. Lake Palti 30
12. Course of the Tsangbo 32
13. Course of the Tsangbo 33
14. Course of the Tsangbo 34
15. Course of the Tsangbo 35
16. Tibetan Ethnography 43
17. Prayer inscribed on a Rock 45
18. Tibetan Amulet 46
19. Lassa 52
20. Trade Routes of Tibet 54
21. Itineraries of the Tian-shan Nan-lu 59
22. The Tian-shan Nan-lu, from a Chinese Map 61
23. Lake Karashar 63
24. Lob-nor 64
25. Races of Chinese Turkestan 68
26. Routes from Kashgar to Ferghana 70
27. Khotan and the Southern Plateaux 71
28. Yarkand and Yangi-shahr 73
29. Sources of the Hoang-ho, from a Chinese Map 76
30. Kuku-nor 77
31. West End of the Great Wall 82
32. Fortified Villages near Lantchew, Province of Kansu 84
33. Oases of Barkul and Hami 86
34. Urumtsi, Turfan, and surrounding Mountains 87
35. Ebi-nor 89
36. Chuguchak and the Tarbagatai Range 92
37. Valley of the Tekes 93
38. Section of the Gobi, going East and West 94
39. View in the Gobi 97
40. Section of the Gobi between Urga and Kalgan 98
41. South-east Corner of the Mongolian Plateau 99
42. The Great Wall, View taken at the Nankow Pass 102
43. Mongol Invasions and Conquests of their Successors 104
44. Inhabitants of Mongolia 105
45. Kobdo Plateau 111
46. Urga 112
47. Mongolian Highways 113
48. Mouth of the Liao-he 118
49. Manchu Woman 122
50. Confluence of the Nonni and Sungari 124
51. Lower Tumen Valley and Possiet Bay 126
52. The Nine Provinces according to the Yukung 129
53. China according to the Native Geographers 130
54. Kiang-su, according to Martini 131
55. Isothermals of China 133
56. Range of the Chinese Fauna 135
57. Chinese Dialects 139
58. The Nine Sacred Mountains.—The Chew Epoch 141
59. The Taiki, or Magic Looking-glass 143
60. Buddhist Priest 145
61. The Goddess Kwanyin 146
62. Domestic Altar.—The Smiling Buddha 148
63. Regions wasted by the Mohammedan Insurrections 150
64. A Chinese Savant 153
65. Chinese Children 154
66. Terrace with Funeral Urns near Amoy 156
67. Manchu Lady 157
68. Lands wasted by the Taïping Insurrection 160
69. Routes of the Chief Modern Explorers in China 161
70. Range of the Floodings of the Lower Pechili 163
71. Successive Displacements of Peking 165
72. The High Street, Peking 166
73. The Temple of Heaven, Peking
74. Celestial Sphere in the Old Observatory, Peking 169
75. Tientsin 171
76. The Lower Peï-ho 172
77. Old Shantung Strait 175
78. Tengchew and Miao-tao Archipelago 176
79. Chefu 177
80. Trans-Ordos 180
81. Cliffs of Yellow Earth on the Hoang-ho 181