Page:The earth and its inhabitants .. (IA earthitsinhabita07recl).pdf/13

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82. Shiftings of the Hoang-ho during Three Thousand Years 182
83. Recent Shiftings of the Hoang-ho 183
84. Yellow Sea 186
85. Terrace Lands of Shansi 188
86. Utai-shan 189
87. Yellow Lands of North China 190
88. Singan and the Lower Wei-ho Valley 193
89. Comparative Discharge of the Yang-tze and other Rivers 197
90. Navigable Course of the Yang-tze and its Tributaries 198
91. Old Mouths of the Yang-tze 204
92. Channels and Breakwaters between the Hoang-ho and Yang-tze 205
93. Channels and Breakwaters between the Hoang-ho and Yang-tze 206
94. Mountains between Tatsienlu and Batang 207
95. From the Min Valley to Tatsienlu 208
96. The Sechuen Highlands 213
97. Races of South-west China 216
98. Chingtu-fu Basin 221
99. The Tsing-ling and Singan 223
100. Course of the Yang-tze above the Gorges 224
101. I-chang Gorges 225
102. Wuchang: View taken from the Tower of the Yellow Crane (Hoang-ho-lew) 228
103. Hankow and surrounding Lakes 229
104. Nanking 230
105. Chingkiang 232
106. Shanghai and the Hoang-pu 233
107. Shanghai 234
108. Suchew before the Taïping War 235
109. Hangchew and the Si-hu 237
110. Ningpo and Tsinhai 238
111. Grand Chusan and Putu 239
112. Mouth of the Min 243
113. Fuchew-fu 244
114. Shui-kow, on the Upper Min, Fokien 245
115. Amoy 246
116. Comparative Temperature of Canton and other Towns 251
117. Inhabitants of Kwangtung 252
118. Female Coiffure, Swatow 254
119. Canton, Whampoa, and Honan Island 256
120. Hong Kong 258
121. Hong Kong: View taken from Kowlun 259
122. Macao 260
123. Pakhoï 261
124. Wei-chew 262
125. Upper Song-koi Valley 265
126. Chinese of Yunnan 268
127. Route between Momein and Tali-fu 269
128. Tali-fu and Lake Tali 270
129. Yunnan 272
130. Hainan Strait 273
131. Formosa and Fokien Strait 276
132. Highland Landscape, Formosa 277
133. Typhoon of the "Novara" 279
134. Pepo-hoan Woman and Child 282
135. Kelung 283
136. Grand Lu-chew, according to an old Chinese Map 284
137. Density of the Chinese Population in 1842 285
138. Singan-fu 286
139. Irrigating Pump, South China 287
140. Relative Importance of the Crops in the Chinese Provinces 288
141. Chief Crops of China 293
142. Mines of Shantung 296
143. Mines of Yunnan 298
144. Portage in Chekiang 300
145. Chinese Treaty Ports 302
146. General View of Nanking 306
147. Routes, Telegraphs, and Lines of Steam Navigation in China 307
148. Signal Towers 309
149. Range of Chinese Migration 310
150. M. Yang, Attaché of the Chinese Legation in Paris 313
151. Chinese Quarter, Shanghai 316
152. Summer Palace—Bronze Lions, Emblems of the Imperial Power 318
153. Vagrant Convicts 325
154. Defences of the Mouth of the Peï-ho 329
155. Provincial Chief Towns, Fu and Chew, in China 332
156. General View of Kang-hoa, Lower Hang-kiang 335
157. Korea Strait 336
158. Explorations of Korea and surrounding Waters 337
159. South-west Archipelago of Korea 338
160. Entrance to the Gulf of Pechili 342
161. Island of Quelpaert 343
162. Han-kang, or Seul River 352
163. Administrative Divisions of Korea 353
164. Curves of the Japanese Archipelago 357
165. Strait of Yeso 359
166. The Kurile Islands 360
167. Paramushir Island—Kuriles 361
168. Section of the Sea of Okhotsk 362
169. Tsugar Strait, between Yeso and Hondo 363
170. Mouths of the Tone-gava 365
171. Oga-sima Island, and Ohokata-hatsiro Sea 366
172. Nikko—Portico of the Temple of the Four Dragons 368