Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/201

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the man / to whome he ſayd in this maner / Ha man thow haſt done ouer many euyls / bothe to me and to my Fader / and in lyke wyle to oure beeſtes / Wherfore I telle the that to me thow ſhalt doo Juſtyce / And the man anſuerd to hym / I promytte and warne the / that yf thow come nyghe me I ſhalle ſlee with this greete clubbe / And after with this knyf I ſhall flee the / And the lyon ſayd to hym / Come thenne before my fader / and he as kynge ſhalle doo to vs good Juſtyce / And thenne the man ſayd to the lyon / I am content / yf that thow wylt ſwere to me / that thow ſhalt not touche me / tyll that we ben in the preſence of thy fader / And in lyke wyſe I ſhalle ſwere to the / that I ſhal go with the vnto the preſence of thy fader / And thus the lyon and the man ſwered eche one to other / and wente toward the grete lyon / and the man beganne to goo bv the way where as his cordes and nettes were dreſſed / And as they wente / the lyon lete hym ſelf falle within a corde / and by the feet he was take / ſo tht he myghte not farther goo / And by cauſe he coude not goo he ſayd to the man / O man I prey the that thow wilt helpe me / For I may no more goo / And the man anſwerd to hym / I am ſworne to the that I ſhalle not touche the vnto the tyme that we ben before thy