Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/202

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fader / And as the lyon ſuppoſſed to haue vnbound hym ſelf for to ſcape / he fylle in to another nette And thenne the lyon beganne to crye after the man / ſayenge to hym in this manere / O good man I praye the that thow wilt vnbynde me / And the man beganne to ſmyte hym vpon the hede / ¶ And thenne whanne the lyon ſawe that he myght not ſcape / he ſayd to the man / I praye the / that thow ſmyte me no more vpon the heed / but vpon myn erys / by cauſe that I wold not here the good counceylle of my fader / And thenne the man beganne to ſmyte hym at the herte and ſlewe hym / the whiche thyng happeth ofte to many children whiche ben hanged or by other maner executed and put to dethe / by cauſe that they wil not byleue the doctryne of theyr faders and moders / ne obeye to them by no wyse