Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/258

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¶ The xxij fable is of the viator or palmer and of Satyre

MEn ought to beware & kepe hym ſelf from hym whiche bereth both fyre and water / as reherceth to vs this Fable Of a pylgrim / whiche ſomtyme walked in the wynter / and wente thurgh a grete foreſt /  ¶ And by cauſe that the ſnowe had couerd al the wayes / he wiſt ne knewe not whyther he wente / ageynſte the whiche came a wodewoſe named Satyre by cauſe he ſawe hym a cold / whiche aproched to the pylgrym and brought hym in to his pytte / And whan the pylgrym ſawe hym / he hadde grete drede by cauſe that a wodewoſe is a monſtre lyke to the man / as hit appiereth by his fygure /  ¶ And as the wodewoſe or Satyre ledde the pylgrym in to his pytte / the pylgrym dyd blowe within his handes for to chauffe them / For he was ſore cold / And thenne the wodewoſe gaf to hym hote water to drynke /  ¶ And whan the pylgrym wold haue dronken hit / he beganne to blowe in hit / And the wodewoſe demaunded of hym / why