Page:The fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484, with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio. Vol 2.djvu/259

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he dyd hinwe in hit / And the pylgrym ſayd to hym / I blowe in hit / for to haue it ſomwhat more cold than hit is / The wodewoſe thenne ſayd to hym / Thy felauſhip is not good to me / by cauſe that thow bereſt bothe the fyre and the water in thy mouthe / therfore go hens fro my pyt and neuer retorne ageyne / For the felauſhip of the man whiche hath two tongues is nought / And the man wiche is wyſe ought to flee the felauſhip of flaterers / For by flateryng & adulacion many haue ben begyled and deceyued